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"I need to talk to you."

"What's up?"

"Meet me at the bus stop in ten."

It was after 8, and I had gotten my bag from the locker room and lightly jogged to the bus stop. Suna was already there with his headphones in his ears, facing towards where the bus comes from. He hadn't noticed that I was there. I slowly walked up to him, then took his left earphone and put it in my ear.

He was listening to "found & lost" by Survive Said The Prophet.

I smiled and looked up at him, who was looking down at me right after I had taken his earphone.

"I didn't know you watched Banana Fish, Rintaro."

He took the earphone I was wearing back.

"Don't do that, you'll tangle the wires." He said. He took off his other earphone as well, he pulled the two wires up into his left hand, I saw him scrunching the earphones.

"Aren't you tangling the wires right now?" I asked him.

"Y/N, this is serious."

I looked back at him. His face seemed almost...


"We can't be friends anymore."

We were just starting to acknowledge each other. What happened?


"I just told you, we can't be friends anymore."

I felt my eyes start to blur. I always had a validation to be liked by everyone, but getting Suna to like me, and get him to forgive me was so difficult for me, since I never knew how to confront my problems.

"W- why?" I whispered.

Was he kidding? Was it because I had just found out he had watched Banana Fish? I know he gets mad very easily, but that's not something he could possibly want to end our friendship over, can it? Was it because he did not actually forgive me for forgetting him? I know I hurt him really badly. He's allowed to hate me still.

I am a terrible person. I always was.

"I still...I still hate you, Y/N. How easy do you think it could be for me to forgive you?"

"Bu- But Suna."

"Besides, you have so many guys on your ass already, I don't want to be one of them. I have to focus on the game coming up. Focus on my goals. Hell, I don't even know what my goals are, but having friendships with people outside of Volleyball just isn't meant for me."

I took his arm with both of my hands.

"But we can find our goals, TOGETHER Suna. We couldn't do that if we stopped talking all together. We relate more to each other than we lead on, and you know that." 

He avoided eye contact with me.

"I don't want to be friends with you, Y/N."

Suna's POV:

I don't want to be friends with you, Y/N, because since the day you saved my life, I cannot just see you as a friend. However when I try, you always come back to me.

You're hurting me, Y/N.

I did not say those things out loud. I did not know how to.

Y/N's POV:

I held onto his arm tighter.

"D- Don't leave me please." I whimpered out.

He made eye contact with me. I was not thinking anymore, I just started saying whatever I thought. 

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