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Once I walked out of the gym, I headed back towards the little garden, where Atsumu was already waiting, looking at his phone, probably trying to text me again.

Once he saw me, he ran up to me.

"You could have told me you weren't coming back. I would've stayed with you if you didn't feel like it."

"It's okay Miya, I was with Suna and we were just doing some easy drills."

His eyes made a straight line. Squinting at me.

"Did he do something to you?"

I rolled my eyes, "What could Suna possibly do to me?"

He pointed at my neck.

"Why is that red?"

Something was red? I took out my phone to check my camera, and there, I saw a red rash.

I thought back to last night, when Suna had grabbed onto my neck with such force, and put my hand over it.

"Nothing that concerns you. I think I got it when I slept last night. I might've scratched myself or something. Well, now that you know I'm alive, I'm going to my next class now, I'll see you during practice?"

I waved at Atsumu and jogged toward my next class, which was my math class.

After school was over, I changed into my shorts, tank, and windbreaker with some random volleyball shoes I owned, and made my way towards the gym. I thought I would be the first one there, but it was actually Kita. He was folding some towels. I went next to him.

"You know, that's supposed to be my job."

He smiled as he continued to fold, "Well, you've been giving us some really good tips, so I figured I might help you out a little."

I shook my head. "I don't do anything compared to the way you guys practice. I'm really fortunate to be a part of it."

We continued to fold towels, until the rest of the team came in two minutes later.

As practice went on, I eyed all the members. Each of them had such a special talent that made this team go to nationals so many times.

After practice, the boys all sat down next to a whiteboard, while Coach and I were standing next to it.

I went in front of the whiteboard, facing my back to the team, and started to draw the model of the formation the team will be having on Saturday. As I wrote, I heard a few of the boys whistle.

I turned back around, to see Riseki Heisuke, the pinch server whistling and Hitoshi laughing with him. The rest of the boys were either smiling or laughing along.

"Nice view!" Heisuke yelled.

The only boys that weren't laughing or going along with it were Suna, and Atsumu.

"Pay attention!" Atsumu yelled.

I turned around, keeping my back straight as I moved to the side of the whiteboard so they could see their positions, and went into the supply room to organize some of the bins with some volleyballs to see if they needed to be reinflated or not. I didn't bother to close the door. As I was sitting on a bunch of mats piled on top of each other and separating the balls, I heard a knock on the door, and looked up to see Kita.

"You okay?" He asked me.

I nodded, the first year's words did not hurt me at all, in fact, he was complimenting me, I think. Besides, Kita had also gone along with it, so I didn't mind. "I'm fine! I was not expecting that, but I didn't really mind."

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