|ten years in the future|

Start from the beginning

"Care to share then with us?"
Luna asks trying to hide her nerves

"I'll be kicked out of here once I'm of age, get a job and come back for my sister," Bruno shrugs as if his plans were common knowledge and simple

"You have a younger sister?" Luna excitedly asks as she had no problem with adopting her as well

"Yeah, she's three"

Luna turns to face Chase with a smile her mind racing with probabilities, "I can turn my art studio into a bedroom, it's big enough for a three year old. I'll just move my art supplies to the attic"

"Moonie you're afraid of the dark," Chase states not having a problem with adding another child to their adoption process

"Yeah, but the attic has a window and lighting—" Luna hesitantly says knowing she was lying and her husband knew it "okay minimal lighting but it's enough. Plus, I haven't painted or anything in a while"

"You need your studio," Chase countered before coming up with another idea "What if we split my lab in half? You're are in one side and my lab in the other"

"No, you need your lab. Its your space," Luna sighs knowing his lab at home was his work space and if they were going to be parents he was going to be the one to be at home more than her, "Okay, what if I just put my art supplies in the attic as storage and we hire someone to build me a studio outside like the one my mom built me"


"Oh, come on, please." Luna groans not wanting to give up on adopting Bruno "She must have saved the plans somewhere; your dad might know or even Janet"

"Why don't you ask your mother?" Bruno asks having been listening to the two adults before him make plans to adopt him and his sister

"Well, she's um, she's dead and my dad was never in the picture— he is now but he wouldn't know" Luna then thinks about someone they could ask so he turns back to Chase with a smile "We could always ask Ty, him and Tandy can't be that hard to contact"

Chase glances over at the teens who was listening to their words and then back at Luna, "Ty can't speak to the dead"

"He's from New Orleans you never know what supernatural magic they have"

Bruno having heard the words leave Luna's mouth laughs, "Lady you're crazy"

Luna smirks at his response, "Just the right amount. But since we want to adopt you, we are going to be honest with you"

"Luna here-" Chase begins by pointing over to his wife, "wants to adopt three teens; you are one of them and since you have a younger sister we will be asking if we can file for her adoption as well"

"And you're just okay with that?" Bruno asks making Chase nod his head as the answer was yes

"Another thing that we have been telling the teens we want to adopt is that I'm bisexual. The reason I'm telling you this is because if for some reason you're not okay with that i totally understand if you don't want us to adopt you"

"You're queer and you married this guy?" Bruno questions glancing between the married couple not understanding how a successful woman with a famous company be married to an inventor who worked from home

"I prefer the term bisexual but, I did choose to spend the rest of my life with the person I love," Luna states turning to look at Chase with a loving smile, "So yeah, I chose this guy to marry"



It had been three years since Chase and Luna adopted four kids. Bruno had graduated two years after being adopted and since being adopted his plans of getting a job changed to going to college. The other two teens were getting ready to graduate high school and as for Bruno's sister they were celebrating her birthday.

"Congratulations!" Cali gushes in greeting Luna making the brunette become confused at the expression being directed towards her

"Um I haven't done anything..." Luna trails off

Cali sees the true oblivious look on Luna's face making her open and close her mouth trying to save herself, "Oh n-never mind"

"Cali you're a doctor, I trust you so what do you mean by congratulations?" Luna asks her mind racing but not being able to guess what the women before her was thinking

"This is probably a conversation for later" Cali tries to brush it off by looking around at their surroundings which were the runaways, their partners, and kids

"Calisia, tell me."

Cali glances over at her husband before saying, "You're pregnant Luna, by the looks of it a month or two"

That's how Luna found out she was pregnant, by Calisia Wilder, who was surrounded by pregnant women and kids from working as a Peds doctor at a hospital. Of course Luna took tests just to make sure and she'd gotten her confirmation Luna told Chase.


Prego Luna

•               [when they eat Luna cant help but get annoyed with the way Chase chews his food every single time. up to the point where she was ready to murder him if he keeps chewing]

•               [she watches Harry Potter movies on replay only for her emotions to be a rollercoaster ride, especially when watching Cedrics death]

•               [while sleeping on the couch (very normal thing of her) she has a nightmare of the color yellow and wakes up crying. thats then she decided they were not going to paint the nursery yellow]

•               [when it comes to naming their kids Luna wants boys bc she has so many boy names in mind / Behrad (initials: BS) or Perseus (PS) or Remus (nick name Remi or Moony)

and of course when asked why they dont find a gender neutral name for their baby Luna replies with "Who says Remus or Behrad isn't a girls name? Society? Well fuck them. Plus if my child comes to the conclusion that they were born in the wrong body I will fully support every second of their life, unless they don't include me when it comes to changing their name. I will be hurt if they don't include me in that"]

•               [if Luna does ever give birth to a girl they name her Persephone]

• [when baby is born Chase cries in the delivery room]

• [Chase wants to be a better dad than Victor ever was and thats how he decides to be a stay at home dad with his own lab where he still gets to invent

unlike Victor, Chase lets his kids enter his lab and teaches them how to work the tech and attends every one of their sports game]

a/n: so this is the end of chase and luna

but I will be soon publishing a new chase fic so be on the look out for that

but I will be soon publishing a new chase fic so be on the look out for that

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