It smells like hell. We're all going to hell.

Start from the beginning

Elena stops in her tracks.

"Today's our anniversary." Elena says. We all turn around to look at her.

"Technically, Stefan and I met on the first day of school last year." Elena tells us sadly.

"Yeah, you win." I tell her.

"Literally all your family hates you..." Henrik says from beside Lizzie. I take in a deep breath, trying not to fight a ghost.

"Are you sure you want to be here?" Josie asks Elena, putting a hand on her arm.

"I have to be here. I have to put it behind me. New year. New life." Elena says, holding her head high. Elena nods, walking again. We follow her.

Sometime later in the day, I get a call from Damon.

"Anyone dead yet?" I ask him, trading my books in my locker.

"Nope. But we have a new house guest." He tells me.

"Who?" I guesting.

"Well, you see, Klaus dumped Barbie Klaus on us." Damon tells me.

"Great." I whisper, hanging up. I bang my head against the locker, trying not to cry. Someone knocks on my locker.

"Hello, Hope." Stefan says, shutting my locker.

"What are you doing here?" I ask him, zipping up my backpack, getting ready to fight him if I have to.

"What do you mean? I'm going back to school. Go Timberwolves!" He asks me, innocently.

"What? Why?" I question, standing closer to him now.

"Klaus wants me to keep an eye on y- Elena. I'm just doing what I'm told." Stefan assures me. I take a deep breath to keep myself from decking him.

"I'm fonna be late for class." I say, pushing past him. But, he quickly turns around and grabs my arm.

"Oh, uh, class is this way." He tells me, pointing the other way.

"Let go of me, Stefan. Before this gets messy." I warn.

"Hope, do you think I wanna be a senior for the 100th time? No, but if I don't have a choice in the matter, neither do you." He tells me.

"I said let go of me." I tell him again, calmly.

"Let her go." Dr. Saltzman says, walking up behind me. I look at him, smiling.

Stefan lets go of me and pushes Dr. Saltzman up against the lockers.

"Stefan! Stop it." I warn him.

"You're not gonna wanna get in my way. You hear me?" Stefan threatens. He backs away from Dr. Saltzman.

"I will see you both in history. I have to find the doppelganger." Stefan says, walking away.

Dr. Saltzman than drags me into his classroom.

"What the hell is he doing here?" He asks me.

"Klaus compelled him to watch over Elena. Apparently she's one of Klaus' assets now. Her blood allowing him to create hybrids." I explain.

"Now he's her bodyguard?" Dr. Saltzman asks me.

"No idea what he is, but a pain in my ass. And definitely not Stefan." I tell Dr. Saltzman just as the bell rings and kids start to walk in.

"Him being here is good for no one. We have to do something." I tell him before sitting down. I watch all of my friends walk into to the room. But when someone sits next to Elena, Stefan makes a scene.

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