Iwas POV (Again)

I did not respond to Oikawa's question, planning on waiting to answer him after I've secured the blindfold back over his terrified looking eyes.

As I reach to pick up the crimson blindfold I notice Pretty Boy tensing violently, becoming impossibly more weary. Before I can convince myself to not blindfold him, I grab his jaw (unnecessarily roughly) to bring his face closer.

I succeed in not looking into his fearful but eerily resigned eyes before securing the blindfold over them.

I hear him muffle a whimper while I lightly drag my blunt nails across his smooth neck, not really wanting to stop touching him but knowing that I definitely should.

Finally giving in to wanting to be close to him, I lean in and cruelly whisper into his ear,

"I'm going to kill you Pretty Boy. Them I'm going to eat you." He flinches back again and hits his (obnoxiously pretty) head against the window. Letting out a stifled groan he faced me, unseeing and said,

"Why are you doing this?" It was spoken so quietly, so hesitantly that I almost missed the words. It didn't really sound like he expected an answer though so I didn't put much effort into my response.

"You insulted me." That wasn't really the reason, Iwaizumi could really care less that the Pretty Boy insulted him. His masculinity wasn't that fragile lol, he for some reason didn't really want to tell Oikawa that his blood smelled delicious-

In reality, he was just searching for Matsukawa's cat and came across him coincidentally. Speaking of, the cat had been sitting in the back seat virtually completely silent during the whole ride, observing us.

I stiffened a few seconds after saying my response, suddenly realizing the uncanny resemblance my words had to that of the man that presumably assaulted Oikawa..

My eyes shoot to Pretty Boy suddenly to gauge his reaction just in time to see him tremble, he began shaking like a leaf in a windstorm. Little muffled whimpers started coming from his throat, presumably the start of another panic attack.

I have no idea why I want so desperately to cradle him in my arms, what the fuck is wrong with me??? This feels so wrong.. Deciding to try and ignore every fiber of my being screaming for me to protect the kid with my life (and telling me to wring that "Assholes" neck, subconsciously making a mental note to copy his contact info to hunt him down)

I opened the car door and the cat bounded out, running to presumably Matsukawa before I slammed it shut, rounding to the other side of the car.

I opened the passengers side of said car, Oikawa was still shaking a concerning amount but I had already shut all those emotions off (or tried to at least).

Grabbing Pretty Boys' wrist and, (struggling to ignore) the pained grimace it caused, I dragged his stumbling form out of the seat.

I pulled him against my chest (totally not subconsciously trying to comfort him for some reason) to slam the passenger side door shut behind us. If I had seen how unfocused the trembling boys eyes were, maybe I would have been more concerned...

Oikawas POV (Again)

He's like him, he's like him, he's like him.

Who am I kidding, I should've expected this, I should've fought better. I can still fight better.

That's all folks~

Cuts to Warner Bro's outro.

Music starts playing.

I dunno what that was for, I was gonna say "that's all for today folks" but then memories resurfaced and I had to.

Anyways~ fun times!

If you need me to add more trigger warnings PLEASE TELL ME!!!

Lol I'm like 6 chaps in and Oikawa still doesn't know Iwas name

(EDIT: Now I'm like 16 chaps in and he still doesn't I'm-)

Iwaoi- Why are You Doing This? Vampire Iwaizumi x Human Oikawa AUWhere stories live. Discover now