Infinity Stones

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"I'll see you in a minute." Natasha told Steve before they left, the teams were: Steve, Tony, Batgirl, and Catwoman, Natasha, Clint, Blackbird, and Red Hood, Hulk/Banner, Scott, and Red Robin.

"Whatever it takes!" Was shouted.


Steve, Tony, Batgirl, and Catwoman split up to find the mind and time stones. Everyone survived. Everything was a success.


Hulk/Banner, Scott, and Red Robin went for the power and reality stones. Everyone survived. Everything was a success.

Natasha, Clint, Blackbird, and Red Hood went for the space and soul stones. Three survived. Nothing went right. It was be luck they got the space stone with no one dying. But the soul stone... Natasha made sure they got it... she will always be the hero...


"Clint! Where's Nat?" Steve asked. When he got no response he tried again, "Clint! I will ask again, where's Nat?"

"She's she's gone Steve... she's gone..." Clint said.

"Natasha's dead?"



"Okay Banner, you ready?" Tony asked.

"Yeah, let's get this over with." Hall/Banner said, the next sound he made was a scream.

"Did it work?"

"Who knows,"

"Thanos is here!" Tony yelled.

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