I hate homicidal clowns

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"I hope the birdie comes for your sake, oh wait your the birdies isn't that right Richard or should I say Nightwing the one I hate the most!" The Joker giggled, it had been 3 days since Dick had seen his sister and 2 days since the Joker learned there identity's as Nightwing and Blackbird. The Joker had been having a field day with his two favorite birds all he needed was Red Hood and the other 3 dead and he would be set. He hated Nightwing because he could not get the hero to fear him, he hated Blackbird because she had worked as an apprentice for all of Gotham's crazys she had got away and joined bats, and he hated Red Hood, well, isn't obvious as to why? Leila was in a lot of pain, she was on her period and she was slowly dying. She was getting the worst cramps.

The team had been trying to find were  the joker was for 4 days tomorrow would be 5, and Batman was gonna have there heads when he got back, which was that day. They were standing in the living room when Bruce Wayne came in, he didn't look happy, "You are on a lot of trouble,"

"B! It's not there fault, Joker was being a-" Jason started,

"Don't finish that sentence Jay, and Bruce we need to tell them who we are." Tim said, Bruce sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose,

"Fine," they went to the study, to say the team was in shock to what they would learn was an understatement, as they were going to learn that Bruce Wayne is Batman. When they went to the cave they saw Batgirl who had her cowl down, Barbra Gordon is Batgirl, Jason had grabbed a helmet, Red Hood's helmet! Jason Todd is Red Hood, so that ment Dick is Nightwing, Tim is Red Robin, and Damien is Robin! Leila is Blackbird! Wally was smirking the whole time,  Artemis noticed this and said,

"Wallace did you know about this the whole time?!? How did only you know and figure out there identitys?!?" Wally shrugged,

"Dick told me." Was his reply the team, Zee was in shock, she had a huge crush on Nightwing but he was dating Barbra who was Batgirl and had no powers and was not on the same superhero team as him... She had some ideas. There was a ringing sound coming from the computer and Batman had then put there costumes on to conceal there identitys, some more then others. He answered the call.

"Why hello Batman or should I say Batman!"

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