To find a Dick

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Said in that narrator guy's voice in SpongeBob SquarePants: Three Months Later...

Not said in that narrator guy's voice in SpongeBob SquarePants: Everyone is the same age

"Hey, where's Dick? He should be here by now." Tim said.

"Don't tell me he got kidnapped again," Jason said, Leila snorted,

"He probably did. Who has he not been kidnapped by? Literally no one!"

"Who has him being track? Babs? Bruce?" Tim asked.

"Dick took out the one I had in him after he got the apartment in Bludhaven." Bruce said. Babs sighed,

"I do... But I don't know if he took it out or if he knows he has it." Luckily he still had on him.


"He's at Long Island... Why is he at Long Island, Manhattan?" Babs asked.

"Maybe he was kidnapped by some gang there?" Leila's answer was more like a question.

"Well, let's go get Grayson, shall we?"

"Yes Damian,"

Read in narrator guy from SpongeBob SquarePants: Three Hours later

The Batfam made it to Long Island without anyone killing each other. Jason and Leila made bets on who kidnapped him if he was kidnapped, has he actually been kidnapped again, and all sorts of crazy theories ("The way you two make up all these theories makes you sound like a conspiracy theorist!").

"Kids, I need to tell you who my real mother is, she is the Greek goddess Athena." Bruce said, "And this is a camp for demigods or half-bloods, the children of the gods."

"What does this have to do with Dick?" Tim asked.

"For once I agree with Drake, what does this half to do with Grayson?"

"It might just have everything to do with him. Barbra the tracker is coming from in there, correct?"


"Well, let's pay a visit to a bunch of demigods who are probably eating... Great." Bruce sighed as they walked up to the border. Bruce put a hand up to tell them to stop.

"What the hell is it now B?" Jason said agitated, a group of teenagers in Greek armore came up to them.

"Sound the alarms!" One yelled and one of them said, "Get the counselors!" Soon they were surrounded, the people had swords, daggers, and bows with the arrows pointed at them.

"Well, nice going dip sh**! This is just how I wanted to die, surrounded by a bunch of teenagers with sharp pointy things!" Leila said, the sarcasm dripping off her words like venom.

"Well, sorry Miss. Sarcastic." Jason said, a girl came forward,

"Who are you and what are you doing at my camp?"

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