Time to go

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"We should leave," Bruce said.

"Wait! Can Perry's memories be restored?" Annabeth asked.

"Like he'd want to see you and Jason." Leo said trying to comfort Piper.

"No, we can't do that. The fates destroyed his memories permanently and changed him for the better." Hera said as the gods disappeared.

Babs held Dick's hand as he was starting to come to his senses as to what happened. Leila and Jason were looking at the demigods with wearyness. Damian was making glances at Dick apart from looking at the demigods in case they attacked. Bruce was looking at his little sister,

"Now we're leaving," he said with force.

"No your not!"

"Why not Annabeth?"

"Not until I get my Percy back!"

"Stop being a little b*** about how you lost your Percy or how you want your Percy back! 1 he's not your Percy, 2 he's gone for good, he's not coming back! And so you need to shut the f*** up because you can't get your way!" Piper ranted.

"She's right and I don't want some cheating, lying, b*** to be camp leader! I say it's time for a change!" Clarisse growled.

Shouts of "I agree," came out.

"I think Piper and Nico should." Talia put in.

"So do I," Clarisse growled.

"All the f***ing way!"

"As do I!"



"So it is decided that Piper and Nico are camp leaders!" Chiron announced.

"Don't I have a say? I'm the son of Jupiter you should respect and listen to me! I'm a born leader and ruler! Listen to me!" Jason Grace yelled. Talia looked Jason Grace in the eye and said,

"You are no brother of mine. Percy was."

"Talia, you don't mean that. Your just an emotional girl going through a phase." Jason Grace said to his sister.

"You dare say that to me! Only few are worthy to have the respect of a hunter of Atermis that are men and you lost that the moment you thought cheating was a good idea." Talia yelled her blood boiling and electricity froming around her.

The Batfam had been long gone at that point was now hitting up a Zeta tube to get to the Batcave.

Once home the Batfam watched some of Dick's favorite movies and ate pizza and ice cream with no fighting to cheer him up and it worked out.

The Batfam was getting closer but soon that would all come crashing down within the next few years...

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