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The team followed the siblings to the movie room. "Disney movie
marathon!" The siblings yelled,

"Let's start with the lion King," Artemis said, "Sure!" "YES!" "Yeah, good choice," Wally gave a worried glace to Dick but he wasn't looking. At the part of Mufasa death Dick was getting a little upset but Babs calmed him down a little bit but Megan had felt the emotion coming off him so she shared it to the group, they found out that he was a flying Grayson before living with Bruce Wayne. It was also sad to find out how they died and how he had watched them fall to there deaths. After the lion King they watched the Aristocats, then the group watched Brave, and Robin Hood, and last but not least, and for some reason a horror movie, It.

Jason was a little upset a some parts but Tim was getting sacred more and more, so he calmed him down and told him it wasn't real and that clowns don't eat you they just beat you up with a crowbar and blow you up. Tim was fine after that, but Damian he would never admit it now but he was a little, ok a lot scared, the kids were his age of course he was scared so he held onto his big sister and she held onto him. Babs held onto dick at some parts that freaked her out. The team was just about the same, Wally and Artemis held onto each other like there lives depended on it, (Dick made sure to get a picture of course), and Megan was all over Conner, he was even a little freaked out, Kaldur was fine on the outside but it was not a movie he liked.

"Well I'm of to bed, if anyone else wants to come," Dick announced Babs went with him and Tim was not long after, next was Damian and Leila then Kaldur and Conner, Megan soon went then Artemis, Wally, and Jason.

Time skip

Everyone woke up to screaming coming from Jason's room. As the team ran to the room Tim and Damian were standing in doorway and wore a grim expression every time Jason screamed. "Well are you going to let us in? He could be being killed as we know it!" Artemis said as Babs came running in,

"Is Jay okay? Are you boys okay? Is Dick and Leila okay? I know what these kind of nightmares can do." She rambled Leila came into view,

"I'm fine, let's leave them be," she turned to the team, "and I suggest you do the same. Jason will be as he has Dick with him and if someone was trying to get in...well then, you get to see were a lot of money gets to be put." She had stated that rather coldly and gave Babs a look then took her little brothers to bed. Babs gave then a look that said 'go in there and I will kill you', so the team let without a word.

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