There goes your head!

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"We found him and he used the stones yesterday." Batgirl said.

"Let's go get our family back kittens."Catwoman said walking in.

"Who the hell are you?" Tony asked.

"I'm Catwoman dear, I'm from Gotham."


"Thanos! Where are the stones you purple basted?!?" Blackbird yelled holding Thanos's neck.

"Gone, destroyed it almost killed me."

"No! It it can't it can't be..." Blackbird backed up,

"Are you f***ing  kidding me?" Red Hood said.

"He's not lying..." Blackbird whispered, "There not going to come back unless we can find a way to get the infinity stones back."

Thor brought his axe down on Thanos neck.

"I went for the head,"

"Oh that's nice." Red Hood said walking away.


"I know a way on how we can get the infinity stones," Red Robin said.


"Okay so, we need to go back in the timeline where the infinity stones are here on earth."

"Okay, how long do you think it will take?"

"Um, it's hard to say... I mean if we had these things called Pim Particles we could go back in time."

"Tony, there is a man outside named Scott Lang who wants to come inside." F.R.I.D.A.Y. said.

"A.I.? Nice choice but I prefer butler." Red Robin said.

"F.R.I.D.A.Y. you let can let him in. And yeah I made F.R.I.D.A.Y. myself."

"Oh thank god you let me in. What happened?"


"Hello! We need to find or make Pim Particels to find the infinity stones!" Batgirl said.

"Wait, you need Pim Particels?" Scott asked.

"Yes!" The bats yelled.

"Oh, I have some."

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