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Chapter 9

I stared at my lunch tray thinking of ways to dispose of Nikki. I still need to find a way to get rid of the body. Right now it was sitting in a deep freezer of dry ice. I could burn it. Easiest way of getting rid of evidence. But I could dump it in the river. Doing that is too cliché though. Nikki doesn't deserve a simple ending. I want it to be special.

A person sat besides me causing me to come out of my zoning. It was a girl. She had kinky brown hair with dark skin, perfect white teeth, and pink plumped lips. "Joridawnie" I said. She laid her head on my shoulder and pulled out her lunch. "So you're not 13 if your sitting at this table with me" I asked. That caused her to move away from me. "What" I moved closer to her. She moved again and I did the same. "First thing you question is my age. You don't even know if it's me or not" she said with an attitude. I looked closely at her face to be sure. Her mouth had some bruises on it. I can tell they were fresh too. I didn't really catch on at first because of her skin colour. But I know for sure she didn't have them the last time I saw her. "I'm sorry. I just thought I'd never see you again" I said in a soft tone. "Lucky you" she sarcastically said.

She opened the container of food that she had and it was just spaghetti... nothing else. "Here" she picked up a fork. I quickly opened my mouth because she was gonna force me to eat it weather I wanted to or not. I learnt from the last time. "You have a habit of doing that" I said with a mouth full.

I didn't mind her feeding me like a baby.
But why did she look so sad?
I placed my hand on her shoulder making her winch in pain. "I'm sorry" I moved my hand. Just then the bell rung. She quickly got up and left.
Did I do something wrong?
I watched as she walked away. The way she walked was so beautiful. Something in her movement held my eyes captive. With every step she took it looked like she was in pain for just a second. She hides it very well but just when she's about to land a step you can see a kind of limp. When she was out of my sight I got up and left.

After school I saw her in the parking lot with the same walk. I watched her for a bit before saying something. "Joridawnie" I called out her name. She stopped and looked around. I raised my hand and started walking towards her. "What" she looked up at me. "I want you to hangout with me" I looked down at her. She stared at me for a minute before responding.
"No" she walked away. "Please" I ran in front of her. "I don't even know you" she shrugged. "That's why I wanna hang out. You'll be my new best friend" I grabbed her hands. "I don't need friends" she looked at me sideways. "I'll take you to get food". "Ok" she smiled. I smiled too and began walking to the nearest restaurant. Which so happens to be chick-fil-a. On the way there it was quiet. Neither one of us said anything. Even though a million thoughts and questions ran through my mind. I stayed quiet. "You're paying right" she asked. "Yeah" I shook my head.

We got to the restaurant and she ordered her food. "How much do you eat" I asked. "You offered to pay so this is what you get" she responded. I didn't get anything because I wasn't that hungry. The bill was $37.90. I swiped my dads card to pay for it.

I found us a seat and she followed. I choose a booth and we both sat on each sides. "I never got your name" she said looking dead in my eyes. "Alex" I responded. "Ok Alex, why are you so interested in me" she asked. I took a minute to decide what I was gonna say. The truth was that I was forming a crush on her.

That was the simple way to put it though. I fill myself with unhealthy fantasies of her and I wasn't even sure if I would see her again a until few hours ago. Right now as she sat across from me I could feel her warmth against my skin. Her breath in my neck and her nails deep in my skin. I could also imagine holding her in my arms so tightly. Not wanting her to go anywhere. I wanted to listen to her breathe. I wanted to watch her smile and run to me every time she saw me. I wanted to be surrounded by her and only her. But yet I don't even know her last name. Maybe there's something wrong with me?

"I'm not interested in you. I just wanna be friends" I lied. "Why" she asked again. "What? I can't be-". "If you wanna fuck just say that. No need to run around it" she said with a straight face. I was stunned.
How the fuck did she come up with that conclusion?
"I-uh". "Order 294" one of the workers said. Joridawnie got up and went to go retrieve the food.
How do I even respond to that? Do I say yes? Or do I say no?
She sat back down with her chick-fil-a order. "Answer the question Alex cause I'm not a hoe" she put a fry in her mouth. She quickly covered her mouth while yelling "It's too hot". I exhaled deeply before finishing my statement. "No Joridawnie and that's bold of you too say" I said. "Then what? Are you just trying to seem helpful because you think I need help" she asked. "Not that either" I answered. "Then what" she responded. "I don't know. I just felt like that night from the party. It'll be really nice to see you again. I enjoyed your company. I was at a low point in my life and quite frankly you intoxicated or sober is something that takes my mind off of it" I smiled a little. Her demeanour seemed to lift too. The tension between us was much more lighter.

"Alex what's your last name" she asked. "Reed" I answered. "Betts" she replied. I went by her side and grabbed a waffle fry. "Stop" she smacked my hand. "What" I said in confusion.

She placed some ketchup on a fry and shoved it in my mouth. "Oh so I can't feed myself" I asked. "Why can't I do it for you" she ate a nugget. "Alright" I gave up. I picked up a fry and put it up to her mouth. She gave me a really strong death stare. The side eye she was giving me almost made me wanna move away from her. "Open" I said. She took the fry out my hand and ate it. "Wow" I picked up another one. "I don't want you to" she moved her head. "This one time".

"Maybe another time" she spoke softly. "Fine".



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