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Chapter 7

I woke up with her body in my hands and her hair in my face. I slowly got out of her grip and stood up. I then began looking for my phone. I looked on my person and on any dressers. I found it on the floor right next to the bed. I exhaled in relief. I checked the time and seen it was 12:10pm. I put my phone in my pocket and went to her side of the bed. I looked at her for a moment before shaking her awake. She groaned and pushed my hand away. I shook her again. This time she sat up. Her eyes were puffy, her lips were more bigger than usual and her skin was brighter. The typical type of morning face. It looked good on her in my opinion. "Time to go home" I said wiping the crust out of my eyes.

"I'll stay here, just go home " she laid down. "You sure" I asked. She shook her head 'yes' . I got up and put my things back on. I made sure I had my phone and keys before leaving. The sun hit me on my way out. I covered my face from the brightness. Fuck it was bright outside I thought. I yawned before starting my journey. I walked all the way home which was surprisingly not that far away.

When I got home I took a quick shower and laid in my bed.

Joridawnie's pov

It was 3:00pm when I left from my friends house. I had just walked in and my brother was right there. "Mama said she go whoop yo ass when she get home" my older brother said. I just ignored him and went into my room whom I shared with my younger sister. She was up making loud noises as usual. "Can you go downstairs with that" I laid in my bed. "How bout you go downstairs" she stuck her tongue out. I groaned loudly before getting back up.

I fucking hate this family I thought.

I walked out of the room and went to the bathroom. I turned on the water and prepared to take a shower. What I really wanted to do was kick my sister in her head but I've learned to cope with my anger. As The water ran over my sore body. I began thinking of last night. I barely remember anything. All I remember is being with a guy. His movement was funny. It was like he was restricting himself or putting on an act. Like he was scared to let himself go. I don't know how to explain it. Plus it could've just been me being drunk. He was nice, tall, and comfortable. I couldn't see his face all that well due to his fluffy hair. But I do remember a yummy plate of potato's. After my shower I threw on a hoodie and took a nap.


"Where the fuck were you Joridawnie" my mom yelled. It was around 9pm and she just had gotten off of work. Of course my brother and sister were right by her side instigating. "I was at a friends house" I lied just to see their reaction. "No she wasn't, she was at a party" my brother added. "You know you ain't supposed to go anywhere right" my mom said. I just looked at her. I had nothing to say because I knew what I did and I've already accepted the consequences before I did anything. "You too old for the belt ima give you a real ass whooping" she said.

She grabbed my damped hair and threw me on the floor. I put my hands under my head so I wouldn't hit the ground so hard. She climbed on top of me and started punching me. Her rings and long nails made the punches feel 10x harder. Almost every hit connected to my face. In defence I started swinging back. Most hits only reached her neck or chin. I had gotten lucky a few times and made it to her face. I might've been on the floor but that wasn't my disadvantage. After a moment my brother finally broke it up. "You lucky bitch cause I would've killed yo ass" she yelled out of breath. I ran to the bathroom and spit up the blood I held in. I cleaned myself up then left the house.

I walked all the way back to my friends house but he wasn't home.
Just my lucky day I thought.
I sat down on the porch and waited. Knowing where that boy from last night lived would've be pretty helpful right now. I never even got his name. Or maybe I just don't remember. Right now would be a good moment to cry but I couldn't even if I wanted to. I don't think I'm capable of feeling anything else but anger. I stared into the darkness with a numb feeling running through my body as I waited. I waited by his doorstep for hours until he came home. I watched as his car pulled up in the drive way. He got out with grocery bags in his hand. He walked up to me with a smile on his face but that quickly faded. "Joridawnie what happened" he said referring to my face. "I need a key that's what happened" I stood up.

I took the keys from his hand and unlocked the door. "Let me take care of you before you do anything else" he said walking in with me. "Let me rest first" I said. I walked straight to my room and closed the door.


As I examined the ice cream freezer I felt a pair of hands grope my butt. I immediately turned around to see a man in about his twenties. He had a dirty beard and a creepy smile on his face. He was tall too with blonde hair. "I'm 13 you idiot" I said in disgust. "It's not my fault. You look no where near your age" he touched me again. "STOP" I screamed. He quickly moved his hands. "Bitch" he mumbled and walked away. I closed the freezer door and left the store. A single tear fell out of my eye as I walked back to the car. I felt like I shouldn't make it a big deal since the bare minimum happened. Even though I felt like if I was never here it wouldn't have happened. So I sniffed and cleared my throat before getting in the car. "What happened to our snacks" my mom said. "I forgot what y'all wanted" I spoke as if nothing was wrong. "Why you ain't call". "I did no one answered" I played it off. "Well I didn't get a call on my phone" she said. "Maybe It's my phone" I said. They retold me the list and I went back in.

Luckily I didn't see that man again.



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