Ch30. Love Hurts But So Do Chicken Bones

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(A/n: Weirdest chapter title ever (≧▽≦) I felt the crackhead energy on this one🤪)

ChickenWing🐔: Man, just call her already
Unblock her at least
what's the worst she can do?
spam you?

BurntToast🍞: Omg shut up
you don't know her
she'll climb a building or swim through
an ocean with sharks
just to get to me
and FYI she can't swim

ChickenWing🐔: You serious??
Damn dude, she loves you
You're an idiot you know that

BurntToast🍞: Excuse me Birdbrain?
Call me an idiot one more time
and I'll roast those wings of yours
You'll match with your fav food

ChickenWing🐔: You're all talk dude😜
but seriously about her...
you're making not only yourself suffer but
her too

BurntToast🍞: You don't understand

ChickenWing🐔: Seriously Touya?
From what you've told me, it's 
clear she loves you and you just ghosted her
poor girl must be a crying mess

BurntToast🍞: She has Ryo to 
take care of her now

ChickenWing🐔: Don't you love her???

BurntToast🍞: Don't you know that if 
you love someone
you let them go and let them be happy
even if it means losing them???

ChickenWing🐔: This isn't your case
you're pushing her away
and it's cuz you're afraid
big bad Touya is scared

BurntToast🍞: Can we not Keigo
I know what you're going to say

ChickenWing🐔: Stop feeling like you
don't deserve good things
you are good enough
you're a great guy Touya
and [Name] seems to know that
she loves you

BurntToast🍞: But she's better off with Ryo
she looked... so happy with him

ChickenWing🐔: You're just jealous
and feeling insecure

BurntToast🍞: With friends like you
who needs enemies😒

ChickenWing🐔: I'm just saying the truth😇
but seriously Touya you need to talk to her
and you need to eat

BurntToast🍞: I'm not hungry 
and I don't want to...
it's better she moves on from me

ChickenWing🐔: You're so stubborn
do you even know who that other guy is?
what if he's bad news
and here you are driving her to that

BurntToast🍞: That's not what those fanboys
of her said to me
and  that photo... 
made it seem like they we're lovers

ChickenWing🐔: Fanboys? 

BurntToast🍞: Yeah
she's a pretty hot chick
she's sweet and badass
s'got many guys after her

ChickenWing🐔: How tf she end up
with you then?

BurntToast🍞: You mf 

ChickenWing🐔: 😂😁
Who's the lucky girl you fell for
again? [Name] what?

BurntToast🍞: She's Aizawa [Name]
you might know her as 
Eraserhead's daughter

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