Ch33. Losing Her

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Midoriya's POV

As much as it hurts, I think I know why [Name] decided to distance herself from us. It's our fault. Not hers. We pushed her away and she has every right to feel mad towards us. What we did, we didn't consider her feelings... I just wish I could turn back time and fix that...

"This better be good Deku, it's past 9pm and you know I hate going to sleep late." Kacchan grumbled. "Is it even necessary to talk about this now? Can't it wait?"

I nervously nodded, "Ah K-Kacchan, it can't wait! It's about [Name]. It's important."

"Of course it is. Midoriya, please tell us what did you mean about [Name]?" Todoroki asked as he took a seat across from me. Kacchan decided to stand as I got ready to speak.

I deeply sighed as I began, "I'm pretty sure [Name] had feelings for us, years back."

"Huh?!" Kacchan exclaimed with disbelief.

"She did?" Todoroki cluelessly spoke.

I nodded. 

"You're crazy Deku! She's never shown that kind of affection towards any of us." Kacchan protested.

"How can you be so sure?" Asked Todoroki.

"Well, I remembered a few things back... it started in middle school. Kacchan has known her the longest, he was the first one [Name] liked. But Kacchan rejected her."

"I DID NOT!!! YOU DUMBASS DEKU! YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU'RE SAYING!!" He shouted at me to which I flinched a bit.

"Bakugou stop yelling, you'll wake up everyone." Todoroki reprimanded him.

"Shut the hell up Icyhot!"

I sighed, deciding to continue I said, "Kacchan I was there with you when you got a confession letter in middle school remember?" 

"Tch. Yeah, what about it? It was probably from some extra." Kacchan clicked his tongue annoyed.

"I don't think it was." I mumbled.

"Huh? What the hell are you talkin' about Deku?" Kacchan half-yelled.

"R-right... well your friend was teasing you and saying to open it and you did, you read it out loud and you wondered who would write this to you. Your other friend said many names from the girls of our class. One name in specific..." I began to explain.

"[Name]..." he muttered almost in shock.

"Right. And remember what you said?" I told him with hesitation.

"What did he say?" asked Todoroki.

"Well Kacchan said, 'why would she even write me a confession letter. We're best friends. She knows me better than anyone that I don't got time for any of that love crap. I don't care who fucking sent it, be it her or not but I ain't returning any shitty feelings when I have to focus on becoming the next number one hero. [Name] being my girlfriend would only ruin my chance at that.'" I told Kacchan, "Then you said, [Name] wasn't fit to be your girlfriend, that the best she could ever be is a mere sidekick. Claiming she can barely spar against someone."

"What about it... it's not like-" Kacchan's words were cut off by Todoroki who sighed.

"She must've heard you." he said.

I nodded. "That's probably why the one who left you that confession letter never showed up, like it said they would. You told us you were going to put her in her place for sending you crap. She didn't show up knowing that. She didn't want to be humiliated."

"She... knew?" Kacchan's tone was weak and he looked upset. He ran his hand through his hair exasperated with a deep sigh.

"That's when you got mad at me saying I stole your best friend." I added.

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