Ch29. Ryo

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A/n: A double chapter update, just to get the angst faster out 😉, thank you for reading

Shinsou's POV

I carried [Name] into the dorms. My heart was aching seeing how broken she was. [Name] is like my little sister, she's my best friend, the one who always compliments my quirk and stuck up for me when I got picked on. She's a great person, she's kind and helpful, considerate and full of joy.

I don't understand why she must suffer so much. First with her mom, that woman's a complete waste of a human who doesn't deserve a great daughter like [Name], second the hurt she received when those hotshot crushes of hers then casted her aside, and also Ryo's death... but now this too?

Dabi... or Touya -whatever his real name is, I don't know the guy but what I do know is how much he made her happy. I could tell from the messages that he loves her too. But... so why is this happening? Why did he break up with her in the worst way and block her out of his life.

I strongly hope his intention wasn't just sleeping with her and then tossing her aside or I will and mark my words I will go and kick that guy's ass.

There's no use in thinking of theories as to why he broke up with [Name]. I have to find out the real reason for it. I owe it to [Name] as her best friend, I'll be there for her just like I was when Ryo died.

I carried [Name] inside. All the crying really wore her out, she was actually asleep. As I came inside the room, there was Denki, Mina, Ochaco, Midoriya, Todoroki, Bakugou, and Kirishima sitting on the sofas. Some were watching a movie while the rest were on their phones.

As soon as I stepped foot inside, Mina gasped. She almost dropped her phone with panic as she saw me carrying [Name].

"What happened??! Is she okay???" she asked with worry.

Her voice alerted everyone else and I inwardly sigh. "Shh, she's fine. Just tired out from training."

"Training?" Ochaco and Denki asked confused. Those two and Mina knew very well that wasn't the case. But luckily quickly caught on as to why I said it.

"Did she faint from training??" Midoriya asked as he sneaked a peak at [Name]'s face.

"Yeah, she's exhausted." I lied as I tried shielding her away.

"She's so manly, always giving it her all. But maybe she went a little too much this time with training." Kirishima commented. Mina and Ochaco nodded.

"Don't look like it." Bakugou muttered, as he slowly made it towards me. "She hasn't gotten a scratch on her body." his eyed narrowed at us, almost like inspecting [Name]'s face.

"Her eyelids seem red though. Perhaps she overused her quirk." Todoroki told him.

I nodded, "Yeah that's it."

 Bakugou sighed. "That idiot, I swear... she needs to be more careful. What she needs is someone to tell her when to stop and help her take care of herself."

"Damn Kacchan here being all considerate all of a sudden. Who knew he had that side of him, huh." Denki teased him. He threw a wink my way and Mina's.

"WHAT'D YOU SAY DUNCEFACE??! I'm always considerate!!"

"[Name] doesn't need you taking considerations or taking care of her in general, Bakugou." Todoroki rolled his eyes at the loud blonde.

"Shut your mouth Icyhot. Like you'd do any better."

"I know I would." 

"Guys this isn't a contest. [Name] should be the one to decide." Midoriya spoke.

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