Ch20. Chicken Nuggets

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Shoto, Katsuki, Izuku, & [Name]

Izuku: [Name] why didn't you tell 
us you we're seeing someone?

Shoto: I thought we were friends

Katsuki: Hiding secrets now?

[Name]: Hi guys?
I didn't think I needed to 
give you guys a report on my life???

Katsuki: Don't be a fucking smart mouth

[Name]: I'm just saying
but sorry I guess, for not saying anything
didn't think you guys would care

Shoto: We do care
...and a lot

Izuku: Yes [Name] 
we really care

Katsuki: We do Dumbdumb
But anyways, so the guy...
he's that tall dude with black hair right?

[Name]: You saw him?

Katsuki: I was with Shitty Hair and them
so yeah, I fucking saw

[Name]: Well yeah it's him

Katsuki: He's too old for you

Izuku: You're dating someone older??

[Name]: Yeah
But I don't see the problem there

Shoto: Why him?

[Name]: What do you mean?

Katsuki: He fucking means that why'd 
you pick that older dumbass

[Name]: Don't call him that.
He's a sweet guy.
He's older than me true but he
cares about me and I'm happy with him
he makes me happy.

Katsuki: You have an army of fanboys
and you pick that lame ass dude?

Izuku: Um what we're trying to say
is why did you decide to give him a chance?

[Name]: Fine, I'll explain
He's the only one who actually
cares about me and had the guts to ask me to be his gf
he didn't shy away from me being Eraserhead's 
daughter or want me for my quirk
besides no one liked me romantically and he does
I like him too, so I decided to give him a chance

Katsuki: That's a bullshit lie
plenty of people like you romantically...

[Name]: It's not
remember (Random Boy's Name)?
he got close to me because of my last name
then (RBN) just wanted me as a wifey trophy
(RBN) wanted homework answers
(RBN) wanted to be fuckbuddies

Shoto: But those were all idiots

Izuku: Not everyone is like that

Katsuki: Those were fucking extras
and wait a fucking moment...

[Name]:  Doesn't matter
He left UA anyways

Katsuki: I'LL KILL HIM

Izuku: Please don't Kacchan!

Shoto: It's not wise Bakugou

[Name]: ^^
anyways why do I get the impression
you're not happy for me?

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