Ch23. Photographed Pains

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(The angst begins... sorry 😭😭 but it'll be worth it for plot purposes)


Private#1: Oi, ready?

Private#2: R-r-ready

Private#3: Okay, I'll add him

Private#3 has added XXX-XXX 

Private#1: Oi, is this Dabi?

XXX-XXX: Who tf wants to know?

Private#2: You're [Name]'s 
boyfriend right?

XXX-XXX: Wtf does she have to do with this?
You three better fucking tell me
who you are or else

Private#3: We don't have to
tell you anything

Private#1: Stay the fuck
away from [Name]
got it burnt bitch?

you guys must be part of 
[Name]'s lame fanboys

Private#1: WHO THE FUCK YOU 
I'll fucking kill you!

Private#2: Don't mind him
he doesn't mean it
the killing part

Private#1: SHut your mouth
Yes I do mean it!!

XXX-XXX has changed Private#1 to Dumbass#1
XXX-XXX has changed Private#2 to Dumbass#2
XXX-XXX has changed Private#3 to Dumbass#3

XXX-XXX: Look here you little brats
stop meddling in other people's relationships
it's cute that you care about her
but there's no need.
That's my job now, so you guys
can fuck off.

Dumbass#3: With you there's
definitely a reason to worry

Dumbass#2: We know who you are

XXX-XXX: Who I am?

Dumbass#1: We fucking do.
You're that patchwork villain

Dumbass#3: Don't bother denying it

XXX-XXX: Don't need to
it's still none of your fucking business 
so back tf off

Dumbass#2: We can't and we won't
we're not going to let [Name] be
with someone as dangerous as you

XXX-XXX: Newsflash brats
she loves me

Dumbass#1: You're a lowlife villain
you can't make her happy

Dumbass#3: She's a hero and you're not

XXX-XXX: It wouldn't be 
a problem
we'll make it work
not that it's any of your business

Dumbass#2: How??
You're a wanted villain!
You'll only make her suffer

XXX-XXX: You know nothing
and you know what?
I don't need to listen to
you three idiotic morons

Dumbass#1: She'll never love you
like she loves Ryo


Dumbass#3: So... she hasn't told you
about him?

Dumbass#1: HAH! 
She hasn't huh!?
that must suck

Dumbass#3: Ryo's someone 
important to [Name]

Dumbass#2: Guys... maybe we're going
to far-

Dumbass#1: Stfu
he needs to know
it's not like we're lying

Dumbass#1: Stfuhe needs to knowit's not like we're lying

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Dumbass#3: That's Ryo

XXX-XXX: Whatever you're
trying to do it won't work.
[Name] and I are together
like it or not

Dumbass#2: You're a villain
we're worried
if you really care about her 
you shouldn't put her life at risk

Dumbass#3: Can you?
Can you even make her happy?

XXX-XXX: When was this 
photo even taken? 

Dumbass#2: Not long ago

XXX-XXX has left the chat

Dumbass#1: Seems like he got
the message 

Dumbass#2: Guys but I think
he thinks that picture is recent
as in maybe days or weeks?
we know that's not true
Ryo's not even...

Dumbass#3: It's done
he can believe what he wants

Dumbass#1: Don't act like you didn't
know what was going to happen
it's better this way
we all know he's not worthy of her


Little did those three young heroes know, the pain they were causing and about to cause... not only to Dabi but [Name] as well.

Dabi held his phone in his hand. He let out a sigh. The picture of [Name] being embraced and held by someone that wasn't him made his blood freeze and his heart ache. He not only had jealousy enveloping him but insecurity as well. 

Dabi's POV

When was this? Was this one of her fanboys? An ex perhaps? The photograph wasn't from too long ago as one of them said. Could it be recent as in from only a few days ago? Was it when I left for a mission and left her alone for a week?

No. She wouldn't do that. She said she loves me. I'm her first. She trusted me to be her first. I told her my secret; my real identity. She wouldn't betray me right?

After so many years of being alone... not knowing what love is, what it feels like to crave another... to feel so vulnerable... there has to be an explanation right?

Why do I feel this unease? I trust her her. I do. And it's all because...

I love her.

But can that alone make her happy like those three idiots said? Can I make her happy? Is my love for her enough??

I ran my hand through my dark locks as I sighed heavily. I closed my eyes but all I could see was [Name] with that guy. It was another sleepless night for me. Especially when I received a few more pictures from those three morons...


Side-note: Dumbass #1 is Bakugou, Dumbass #2 Is Midoriya, Dumbass #3 is Todoroki, Dabi is jealous and insecure, he's a broken boy who thinks he doesn't deserve to be loved because he wasn't loved by his parents and so he doubts he can make YN happy... poor Dabi, hopefully the misunderstanding clears up! Where is Ryo by the way?? Answer soon to be revealed...

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