Ch5. Mini-Skirt

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[Name]'s POV

 Slipping my heels on and spraying a spritz of perfume, I gave one glance at myself in the mirror and with a satisfied expression I left my room. I headed down the hallway towards the elevator. 

Once arriving at the common room, I slightly froze a bit. Along with Ojiro and Shoji there was also Katsuki, Izuku, and Shoto. I was really not in the mood to talk to them after knowing they were butting into my business. 

I carefully tried walking out without drawing any attention to myself when...

"[Name]! You're still here!" Izuku cheerfully spoke, thus making them all look at me.

I waved a hand to greet them, "Yup." I awkwardly but cheerfully mumbled, "Hello everyone. So, you five didn't go to the movies?"

"Hey [Name]." Ojiro replied with a smile. He then shook his head, "No, I barely finished my homework."

"And I didn't feel like going out tonight." Shoji added.

"Ah." I nodded.

"Why didn't you go?" Shoto asked, thus making Katsuki and Izuku look at me intently.

They know why... yet why still ask??

"I have somewhere else to be tonight. Right now, actually. So if you'll excuse me." I forced a smile and waved goodbye. Shoji and Ojiro being the only ones to holler out a goodbye.

I shut the door behind me with relief. I'm glad Katsuki didn't shout at me or something. Though, I don't know whether that should scare me or not. 

Hmph, not that it should matter. They never cared before, why should I care now? Sure, we we're best friends once but it doesn't justify what they did years ago... when they ditched me for their own stuff. They never thought their actions would hurt me the way they did...


Bakugou💥 created a chat~ 'Baddass&2extras'

Bakugou💥 is typing...

Bakugou💥: Oi fucktards 

IcyhotBastard🤢: Wtf Bakugou

ShittyDeku🤮: So mean Kacchan

Like I give a damn

~IcyhotBastard🤢 changed Bakugou💥 to Bakubitch~

IcyhotBastard🤢: Much better

Bakubitch💥: YOU-

ShittyDeku🤮: Um, before either of you start fighting again,
mind telling us why you made this chat Kacchan?
It's not like you

Bakubitch💥: DOn't tell
you damn nerd
Whatever, this isn't about you two morons

IcyhotBastard🤢: Obviously

Bakubitch💥: You are so dead...
after I murder the guy
who's fucking stealing [Name] away 

ShittyDeku🤮: Kacchan, I don't think-


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