Chapter 7

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Hybris' hands were clinging to the edges of the leaf, terrified of what might happen if she let go. The forest floor was racing towards her, as her body fell through the air. Falling... It was a strange sensation, and she hated it. It made her feel so helpless, not being able to just fly into the air and escape. Damn that stupid animal, for destroying her wings! Chances were, she'd never fly again...

Her eyes were shut tightly, as she held her breath, waiting for the impact, which came a second later. The breath she'd been holding was forced out, and her whole body went numb. When she came around from the shock, she looked around herself. Trees towered above her menacingly. The forest was so huge, and for the first time, Hybris could feel how small she really was. How on earth would she manage to survive out here? She would either be killed, or run out of Moondust. That was when she realised... She didn't have any moondust left.

She only noticed it now, she'd been so preoccupied with trying to escape the owls nest, but she had nothing. She was wingless, and powerless, and soon she'd be starving. What else could a Nightfaery eat? Sometimes they would eat berries, but they would have moondust in them. Would she be able to survive on fruit and berries? Perhaps... Perhaps she would be able to survive, even without magic. Yes, moondust was necessary for magic, but was it necessary for survival? They had never been told otherwise, but she had a strong instinct that she might have a chance.

She walked across the forest. It was so slow, how could anybody possibly live like this? No, she wouldn't give up. She needed to try.  Would she be able to get back to the Hollow? It was unlikely...

What about Lilium?

She wouldn't be worried yet, but Hybris had promised to return by full moon. Even if she could find a way back, it would take a lot longer than that. Do you even want to go back?
Hybris thought about it... She didn't really, no. She had wanted to leave for ages, because something just wasn't right. But she had wanted to leave with Lilium, and they would live together in the forest, not on her own. And what about when Lilium got worried about her? No, she couldn't think about that yet. Her own survival was the most important thing right now, as much as she cared about Lilium. She would need to find shelter, before the sun began to rise. Would it be soon? She had no way of telling.

The forest was threatening to her, more threatening than it had ever been. Surely there were other nocturnal creatures hiding in the darkness, ones that would kill her in an instant. She was extremely aware of her surroundings, as she crept through the woods, keeping close to the bases of the trees. And that's when she spotted it. A hole near the base of one of the trees. That could work as a shelter for her, for during the day, as long as there was nothing in it. She analysed the outside of it, before peeking in. It seemed safe, there was nothing unusual about it. Looking around her one last time, she climbed into the safety of the hole.

It wasn't too big, just a small indentation. It would keep her safe, for now. It reminded her a little bit of her chamber in the Hollow, which brought both comfort and distress. She couldn't decide whether it was a good thing, or a bad thing that she was no longer there. She would have been happy to be out, had it not been the circumstances. If only the Queen had have let Lilium go on the mission with her... Why did they send her out on her own, anyway? Surely the Poxies were supposed to be dangerous, yet they sent her on her own. And they had been easy enough to destroy, despite it being her first time seeing them. She didn't even really see them properly, she just heard their vile noises. It didn't take a huge amount of energy to kill them all. She had expected them to be far more dangerous, and difficult to kill, that's what they'd been made out to be...

The more she thought by herself, the more alone she felt. She missed Lilium... What if she did something rash? It was like her to not think things out properly, and do or say something she regretted. She hoped with all her heart that Lilium would be ok, and that she wouldn't panic over Hybris not returning...

 Before falling into a restless sleep, Hybris whispered out loud, as if she was there with her, "Just don't do anything stupid, Lilium..."

 If only Hybris knew.

Moondust: A Dark FaerytaleOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant