Chapter 4

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Her head was ringing at a deafening rate. She could feel every single inch of her body tingling with white hot pain. What had happened to her? The last thing she could remember was her wing being ripped and the claws diving towards her. Well, she was alive, but by how much she wasn't sure. Opening her eyes, she tried to take in her surroundings. Her head was pounding, and the world seemed like a blur around her. She tried to stand up, but she just kept falling each time. She was far too weak. She took a few deep breaths, and tried her best to focus on her environment. After a while, she finally realised that she was in a tree, in a nest of some kind of avian. Oh no... There were four fuzzy, grey lumps sitting in the nest, fast asleep. This wasn't good, this definitely was not good. She was in an owls nest. She had to escape, but her wing was ripped and there was no way she would escape by flying. If she stayed, she would be lunch for the four owl chicks who were sleeping, if she left the sun or forest would get her eventually. What was she going to do? She didn't even have a way to escape, unless she jumped. But then what? She would never be able to survive without flying... She didn't have much time, she had to act quickly. The chick's mother would be back soon, and then she wouldn't have any time to escape. Jumping wouldn't guarantee her safety, but at least she would have a chance to not be ripped to shreds. She would need to cushion her fall somehow. Even more important, she would need to manage to actually stand up before she could jump. She tried, and tried, until finally she was able to lift herself up, although she was extremely shaky. There were a few leaves in the nest, maybe she could use them as an air glider, so that she would fall to the ground more slowly. She gently lifted a leaf out from the nest, and held it above her head in an arch shape with both of her hands. This was her only choice, as doubtful as she was on her chances of survival afterwards. I have to try.

Holding her breath, and trying her best not to look down at the ground, Hybris stepped off the edge of the tree, feeling herself glide to the forest floor. 

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