Chapter 5 ~ Interruption

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We walked around the island making small talk and getting to know each other.

As Nagito talked to me, it seemed as if he was venting, and after each sentence he seemed to look better, as if he hadn't been able to talk to someone normally for years.

It started to get dark, and we explored every inch of the island twice now. We were just so painfully bored with our original atmosphere.

We began to head back to our cottages.

Nagito's a really nice guy. The class trial definitely changed my perspective about him a bit, but after today, I don't know If I really have anything against him.

After we separated and went to our cottages I instantly laid down in bed. I didn't realize how tired I was until just now. I instantly fell asleep.

(Okay I dunno how long it was until Maihiru's murder from here but I'm pretty sure it was the next day, feel free to correct me if I'm wrong. I don't feel like looking it up XD)

The next day Monokuma said there was a motive for the next murder, which turned out to be an arcade game called Twilight Syndrome Murder Case.

The while story was really weird, and incomplete. I stared at the game over screen for a few seconds before realizing how stupid I am.

"Down five! Oh my god I'm an idiot!" I said face palming.

I pressed down five times and it brought me to the two missing days.

Well that certainly didn't make me wanna commit murder but whatever. I thought.

I turned around to leave and saw Nagito headed towards the game.

"Oh hey!" I said waving.

He waved back.

"Is the motive seriously a video game?" He asked as he walked up to the game.

"Yeah you'll understand why in a minute." I replied.

He played the game until the game over screen.

"What?" He said shocked.

I reached over his shoulder and hit down five times.

"That's the most obvious yet still confusing cheat code I've ever seen." He said shaking his head before continuing the game.

When he ACTUALLY finished the game he sighed.

"This motive sucks It would only motivate the people in the game" Nagito said.

Monokuma then appeared.

"That really hurt my feelings Nagito. For someone that's obsessed with hope, you really know how to make me feel Despair." The black and white bear said before disappearing in thin air.

"Alrighty then." I said staring at the spot where Monokuma once stood.

"So um do you have any plans for today?" Nagito asked putting his hands in the pockets of his jacket.

"No why?"

"Do you wanna hang out or something?"


We started walking in a random direction, not really going anywhere specific, as we talked about random stuff.

After a while Nagito stopped.

I turned around confused.

"(Y/N) there's something I need to tell you." He said

"What is it?" I asked.

"Well um I-"

"A body has been discovered! Please go to the beach house."

We began running towards the beach house. When we got there, we saw Maihiru's body leaning against a door, and the back of her head covered in blood.

"Aw man I actually liked her." I said crossing my arms.

I started investigating, and found that there were a bunch of empty water bottles in the trash can, that weren't there before.

The killer most certainly washed the blood off of them with these.

I investigated some more before it was time for the class trial.

Author's Note:
Oooooooh what was Nagito gonna tell you? Find out in the next epsiode of dragon ball Z! Lmao seriously though find out in the next chapter.

𝐦𝐲 𝐮𝐥𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐡𝐨𝐩𝐞  ✎   𝐧𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐭𝐨 𝐤. ✔Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя