Chapter 7 ~ Despair Disease

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(I'm just gonna skip the Nekumaru getting shot thing)

I woke up the next morning forgetting about what had happened last night. I ended up not really talking to Nagito that day. I wouldn't say we were avoiding each other, more like we didn't go out of our way to hang out. Honestly inwas really concerned for Fuyuhiko, he literally cut his stomach opened this morning.

The knew island opened up that is to Monomi, which contained the hospital and the Titty Typhoon, where Ibuki invited us to listen to her perform.

Ibuki definitely had some strange names for her songs, but they were actually really good none the less.

As I laid down to go to sleep, I thought about what had happened the night before.

Maybe I should say something to him? Does he even remember what happened? Should I confront him about it in the morning?

I decided I would confront him in the morning before breakfast.

(Time skip to that morning cause plot lol)

I got up and got dressed before heading outside.

I saw Nagito on his way to the restaurant. I ran up to him and tapped him in the shoulder.

He turned his head then scrunched up his nose.

"Ew it's you." He said.

"Huh?" I asked.

"Go away I don't want to see your ugly face." He said before continuing to walk towards the restaurant.

"Excuse me what?" I asked confused.

"You heard me. Your the most annoying person I've ever met in my life. I hate you."

A the words 'I hate you' came out of his mouth, tears began to form in the corners of my eyes.

What did I do wrong. No. Nagito wouldn't say that. There's definitely something wrong, I don't think he'd ever be THIS rude to anyone. This is Nagito were talking about.

Before be made his way inside I stopped him.

"Hey are you feeling okay?" I asked.

"Yes I'm feeling perfectly fine now go away." He replied.

That sound like a really bad lie.

I placed the back of my hand in his forehead. He was burning up.

"Wait Nagito you have a fever maybe you should stay in your cottage toda-"

"SHUT UP AND GO AWAY!" He yelled.

He walked Inside. I walked in behind him.

Since we were right next to the door, everyone heard him yell.

Nagito angrily plopped down at one of the tables

I walked over to Mikan.

"Hey Nagito has a fever and he's being an asshole can you do something about it?"  I asked.

Mikan nodded and ran over to Nagio. She also checked to see if he had a fever.

"Oh my goodness Nagito you really so need to leave, your definitely sick." She said worried.

"I'm fine idiot." He said swatting her hand away.

"Ah I'm sorry!" Mikan said.

Ibuki then came inside.

"Sorry I was late guys I swear on my life I will never be late again." She said very seriously.

"Um are you okay?" Kazuichi asked, concerned about her behavior.

I placed the back of my hand in her forehead and sure enough she also had a fever.

"Wait Ibuki also has a fever! She must have whatever Nagito has." I said.

Monokuma then appeared

"Yep yep! Ibuki and Nagito both have the Despair Disease!" He said happily.

"Wait where's Akane?" Sonia asked.

"Oh yes she also has Despair Disease. She's actually in her cottage right now crying her eyes out!" Monokuma said before laughing.

"What is this Despair Disease you speak of?" Sonia asked.

"It's a disease you can get from little microscopic bugs that only live on THIS Island. The Despair Disease makes you act the opposite of how you usually act." Monokuma said before disappearing again.

"Oh so Ibuki is really serious, Akane is Depressed, and Nagito is constantly lying." I thought out loud.

"Ah I'll get those three to the hospital right now!" Mikan cried

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