Chapter 9 ~ Curtains

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I walked into Nagito's room. At this point it had gotten a bit dark outside and I intended to go to bed soon.

"Hey (Y/N)?" Nagito asked as I walked in.


"Please go away and leave me alone for the night."

"Okay." I said sitting down on the chair.

"Yeah stay there." Nagito said as he scooted over on the bed to make room.

I got up and layed down next to him.

We akwardly layed on the bed together. Neither of us said anything.

My eyelids began to get heavy. I then heard Nagito lightly snoring. A few seconds later I fell asleep.

When I woke up, Nagito's arm was wrapped around my waist. I rolled over and saw that he was still asleep. He was actually smiling in his sleep.

Wait shouldn't Mikan be in here about now. Hajime should also be in here making fun of me. I thought.

I gently moved Nagito's arm and got up. I quietly made my way out of the room without waking him up.

I walked down the hallway and saw Fuyuhiko sitting in the lobby bored.

"Where's Hajime and Mikan?" I asked him.

"I dunno I was about to ask you the same thing." He said shrugging.

Then Akane came in the lobby from the hallway.

"Ah I fe SO much better now. I'm glad I'm getting out of that stupid gown." She said stretching.

"Wait you don't have Despair Disease anymore?" I asked.

"Nope Mikan woke me up last night and told me everyone was okay now." She replied.

"Finally." Fuyuhiko said rolling his eyes.

I sat down in the corner of the room and picked up one the magazines. They were full pictures of monokuma in different bikinis doing sexy poses.

After I looked through the first few pages I started laughing.

"What's so funny?" Fuyuhiko asked.

I threw the magazine acrossed the room to him.

He caught it and flipped through it.
"What the fuck?" He asked laughing as well.

Then we heard footsteps running down the hall.

Nagito ran into the room.

"Where's (Y/N)!?!" He asked frantically.

"She's right there." Fuyuhiko said pointing to me in the corner.

"Oh thank God " Nagito said as he let out a sigh of relief. She disappeared and it scared me."

"Well I'm fine." I said.

"Yeah um can you come here please?" He asked.

I followed him to his room.

"Can you help me look for my clothes, I can't find them." He asked rubbing the back of his neck.

"Why do I have to help you?" I asked

"I don't remember much about what happened while I had Despair Disease, but from what I remember you spent the most time in here." He replied.

I sighed and looked around the room.

I opened the door to the little closet in the room and sure enough his clothes were in there. I grabbed them and turned around.

"I found them." I said.

He looked up at me.

"But I looked in there." He whined.

"Clearly you didn't cause they were sitting right on the shelf." I replied handing him his clothes.

He took them and walked into the bathroom to change.

About a minute later he came out in his usual attire.

"Okay im ready to leave this hospital sucks." Nagito said as he walked out of the bathroom.

"Yeah me too." I replied.

We walked down the hallway and into the lobby where I saw Hajime, but nobody else.

He was looking at the screen of the video chatting thing Kazuichi made.

He frantically ran out of the building.

"What the heck?" I said out loud.

"Wait Hajime!" Nagito yelled before running after him.

I looked at the screen and saw someone with a bag on their head climbing a ladder towards a nuse.

That looked like the Titty Typhoon. That must be why Hajime ran in there. Wait no it's not. The Titty Typhoon had stars on the curtains. That looks more like the conference room.

I ran down the hallway and got to the conference room. I was about to turn the doorknob.

"A body has been discovered"

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