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Third Person POV

"Weapons down!" Bellamy shouts out. "Put your weapons down now!"

"Kill them all." Kayleigh shouts out, even as the enemy in front of her cry out for surrender.

"Halt!" Bellamy shouts out making his way towards Kayleigh. "Hold your fire." He says shoving down the barrel of a few guns as he makes his way closer.

"They surrendered." He tells her. "It's over."

"They killed hundreds of my people in that gorge." She states, glaring at him

"This can't be what the flame is telling you to do." He presses trying to reason with her

"I don't need the flame to tell me what to do with a bunch of criminals here before me." She rasps out darkly

"We've been here before, Kayleigh." He says staring gravely at her. "When we were the criminals." He reminds her of days from long ago.

"The 100." He presses, when she remains silent. "We landed in someone else's home, and we went to war."

"You told me then that we had a chance do to better than what we had on the Ark." He says watching as the black and brown swirl in her eyes. "Your parents, your brother- died trying to change things for the better."

She was listening, more than just to his words.

"You can execute them because they're the enemy, or you can break the cycle. You can be better than them. You can be better than us.."

Kayleigh's eyes flickered away from his, meeting those of her army- they were just waiting for her to give a command before turning over to those who lives were now being held in the balance. Some where afraid, but not nearly enough.

"The choice is yours, Heda."

A choice had to be made, and before Kayleigh could render her decision, movement from the East could be heard, her head jerking to the new sound of someone approaching- running towards them

Kayleigh POV

We had a plan.

There was only one chance, just one of getting it right. Loosing meant death, and I couldn't-wouldn't let that be an option.

Not when I was already giving up what I loved most in this world..

Bellamy didn't understand the box he had opened when he pushed for Madi to ascend. He unknowingly unleashed a series of events that would lead to this moment.

A catalyst.

I couldn't hear the voices of the commanders shouting in my mind. Couldn't feel the bullet, passing through my skin.

I felt cold.

Not the numbing cold I had felt before, but a burning one.

When you skin goes past being numb and starts burning- flames licking up your nerve endings.

One word.
One shout..
His voice was all it took.

A nervous hand on a gun, the muscles in his finger reacting as he pulled the trigger. It took only seconds, but those seconds stretched on into hours.

My dark haired boy, my light in a world so dark came to an abrupt halt, shouting out my name.

Bellamy moved at the sound at his voice, his own screaming out "No!" the moment the gun turned locking our sons way.

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