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                   Third Person POV

Bellamy watched intently, as Kayleigh spoke in Trig to Asher.  Watched how her breathing grew more even, as she repeated them outloud. He picked up a few words she spoke, but not all. By the time she was done, her body wasn't as stiff, eyes lost some of the cloudiness that threatened to take over. Whatever it was she was saying she believed them, and Bellamy didn't care, what those words were as long as they helped keep her focused on the here and now.

"I'm sorry.." she whispers turning away from the men gazing down at her.

She hated feeling this way, hated how she heard and saw things no one else did, hated that she couldn't fight.

"Hey," Bellamy says kneeling back down in front of her. "You say those words as many times as you need too."
She still refused to meet his gaze.

"Baby, none of this is your fault... I'm going to see about getting you something to drink, see what they have for food..You need to eat." He says when she tries to wave him off.

Standing back up he looks at Asher,  gesturing for the man to follow him. Asher hesitates a moment looking down to his charge and then to the sentries in the room, unwavering gazes watching him. They only met his gaze for a moment before looking away  from the intensity of them.

"Those words." Bellamy starts when he's sure Kayleigh wouldn't overhear. "What do they mean?"

"They are to remind her of who she is." Asher says gruffly before releasing a sigh. "When I came back from the hunt, she was lost. The demons in her head had a strong pull on her. She needed to remember who she was."

"Who she was.."Bellamy says thoughtfully.

"Whether you choose to believe it or not, she has never been Skaikru. She needed to remember the truth."

"What truth is that?"

"She is Jusripa of the tree people. Second to Commander Lexa. Commander of Life, bringer of death. Her fight isn't over yet."

Bellamy mauled the words
over inside his own head. It made sense she needed something to grasp onto, to remind her of who she was before Cage took her.

"He's her anchor, Bell."

Maybe he was. Asher was able to bring her back from inside of her head where they had all failed..

"She really does need him." Bellamy thinks to himself.

"She needs you just as much." Asher admits gruffly.

Blowing out a puff of air, Bellamys gaze  roams over Kayleighs seated form before returning back to Asher. "What's going to happen to her, if my sister doesn't win?"

He didn't want to think about this possible outcome, but needed to know what was in store for her.

"She won't be caged again, I can assure you of that." Asher growls as his body seems to vibrate once more.

Bellamy didn't have to ask the meaning behind his words, just gave him a tight nod.


It was several hours later, and Kayleigh was no longer content with just sitting any longer. Her back ached, so as she paced, she kept one hand pressed against the spot, while the other rubbed over her stomache. Bellamy had tried to convince her to lay down, but she wasn't hearing it. Instead paced even more, mumbling the mantra under her breath. She felt like the walls were begining to close in around her. Knowing there wasn't much he could do to soothe her, Bellamy looked down to the streets below, waiting to see even a glimmer of his sister, that never came. He did however see another warrior fall, his eyes narrowing at the sight.

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