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Kayleigh POV

His face was clear of dirt and blood, his clothing now clean. Chocolate brown eyes that used to look at me adoringly, now looked at me with disgust and anger.


"The fate of the world hangs in the balance once again." I rasp out after a few moments of terse silence.

His jaw ticked at how tightly he held himself. I watched, not moving any closer to him as he struggled to take a deep breath.

I knew how he felt. Knew he wanted to rage, but was keeping in check.

Just barely.

"It's not the fate of the world I'm worried about right now." He finally replies, scrubbing a shaking hand down his face.

"You think I was wrong for what I did." I answer for him. "For what I made you promise.. Leaving them on the ground to burn.."

A deep sigh was his only reply.

"You should be thankful." I snap when I'm still met with his silence.

He thought I was wrong for choosing to leave the miners on the ground-that I was making choices that were against everything we were fighting for.

He couldn't be more wrong.

My body felt caged- like I was back in my cell- the walls were closing in on me. I started moving, slowly pacing, my hands rubbing against my thighs where my blades should've been.

Blades that were now long gone. Blades that I longed to feel now.

"Had I let them live, I would've showed Wonkru how child-like Octavia's gladiator games were.." I tell him. "They would all fear me."

I him needed to understand the choices I was making.

"Everyone would see what it means to go after what is mine, the consequences that would follow.." I continue as my voice goes raspier, and I find myself slowly circling Bellamy.

Watched the slight shiver roll through his body even as he tried to hide it.

"My son.." I whispher, coming to stand in front of him once more. "No one would dare touch him.."

He'd be safer, no one, Wonkru or followers of the flame would dare touch him.

"Their fear will be your salvation..."

"Not mine.. his."

                Third Person POV

Bellamy watched as the ember in her eyes turned gold, the anger seeping in where they wouldn't her words.

He stands straighter, as she closes the small distance between them, his jaw ticking under his own growing anger.

He understood her fear, he thought his heart would burst out of his chest when he saw his son standing there. The sounds of the bullets still echoed through his mind. His adrenaline and anxiety mixing together as one as he raced towards his son- to protect him-but knowing the time you'd get there it would be too late.

"Had I let them live, I would've showed Wonkru how child-like Octavia's gladiator games were.. They would all fear me,"

A chill crept down Bellamy back as he stared back down at her.

The burning rage that followed, that primal instinct, that made his blood boil- he wanted to kill them all-but his son needed him-needed them!

He felt his body shake and tremble, felt the wetness from his sons tears coating his neck.

Beautiful Tragedy Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora