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                         Kayleigh POV

I didn't know why I stayed there, in the room. Or why I watched her as I moved back into the shadows.

This wasn't what I had intended when I first followed her here. I saw her sneaking away, at first staying behind the others before blending into her surroundings. And when the others left, I knew then I had my chance.


She had to pay.

She went after my family when she couldn't get to me.


I wanted to rip out her heart, and force her to eat it.

Forced me to kill my freedom, permanently clipping my wings.


My mind raced with all the different ways I could make her wish she were dead, without death fully claiming her until I was ready.
Where to cut that would render her defenseless. Which bones were easiest to break.

The voices were only making things worse, as I watched her strip herself of furs and amour. Her body, notably paler, made the few scars she had even more visible. She was grounder, and Azgeda to boot. They wore their scars like badges of honor, showing the world the proof of their strength. For her to have so few told me she was either picking her opponents wisely, or she was that good. I would pick the former, if she hadn't struck Asher with a poisoned arrow.

I don't know what happened the moment we locked eyes on each other. Never knew I could look into someone's else eyes and see someone dead staring back at me.

Dead and broken.

               ***End of Flashback***

Everything after that was unclear. Like a dark cloud pulling me away even though my body didn't move. Last thing I could remember was hearing Raven yelling my name.

Maybe that was why I still stood here watching her, ignoring the sounds coming from outside this area. The sight of her dead, broken eyes.

A seed had taken root.

A seed I knew all to well, a seed that hadn't been able to take root inside me, but seemed to in her.

Maybe that's why I choose to stay here. To watch the root plant deep. She didn't fear death like so many others had. Her hands didn't shake, or tremble when she reached for the hilt of her sword. Didn't pause when he eyes locked onto mine as she held it up with two hands, the blade facing towards her.

"How many times have you tried only to never push through?

Too many to count.

That's all I could think of as I watched her. Isolated focused on what was racing through, I didn't realize Bellamy was in the room or holding onto me tightly.

"Stay with me, sweetheart.." he whisphers, as his scent fills my nose. "just a bit longer." Slowly my hand slowly moved from my side, grabbing onto his. "We need to suit up."

Suit up..
The Ark.

I didn't want to move, but felt my feet move anyways as Bell led me back down the stairs. I wanted to scream, "No!", but no words would come.

It felt like I only blinked once, and I was somehow already suited up, and in the pod, could feel Bellamy, tightening something around me.


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