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                   Third Person POV


The name spoken more sharper now causing Kayleigh to fully come back to senses, she looks to Indra.

"They're coming."

While the flame had Kayleigh drowning in the past with Calla, it seemed Lexa was busy as well.

It was the only explanation as to why she couldn't remember coming to bridge, or how Indra and Madi were at her side. 

Madi was her second, another decision hastily made, but one she felt compelled to make in that moment. Everyone knew Madi was a nightblood. Knew her face- seen her blood- there was no denying what she was.

"She'll be safer with me." Kayleigh rationalized. "Safer than my own children will ever be."

It made sense for her to be there, but Indra..

Kayleigh still remembered the last time they spoke when she'd realized Octavia had been poisoned. Remembered the words promised. But Indra was a seasoned general, good warrior, loyal to her clan and her fallen commander.

"But will she be loyal to you?"

The question started to rise only to be quickly squelched.

"She will.."

Indra betrayed Octavia to save their people, their clan.

Even still Kayleigh didn't look away from the window. Stood still looking past the faint reflection she could see in the glass. Bellamy had at some point moved closer to her, not close enough to touch but enough she felt his presence there.

"It's gone, guys." Bellamy says with a deep sigh after a few tense moments. Eyes moving away from the glass drifting down to Kayleigh's clenched hands.

"Close it up, Shaw." Cammie says softly turning away from the now dead planet.

The words however softly spoken had Kayleigh drawing a sharp inward breath. The trembling that had began stopped, her fingers loosened from their stiff state.


"You let the animals out of their cages."

"Kayleigh, hold on," Bellamy starts as John unconciously edges away with Cammie at his back.

"No," Raven says moving herself to stand in front of Shaw. "We need him ." She continues ignoring the muttering coming from behind her.

"He knows this ship better than anyone-knows things that would take me time to figure out, time we don't have."

"You released monsters who shouldn't have been let free." she rasps, eyes unblinking as she stared directly at him, cold and haunted.

"Not all of them."Shaw replies strongly. "Not all of them were murderers."

"Heda," Madi says cautiously at Kayleigh's back, while Indra holds her weapon steady. "He's not like the others, he didn't betray us- betray you, he helped us."

"By ensuring my other enemy lived." Kayleigh states with no emotion. "The reason why Diyoza is still on this ship."


"Shaw, shut up!"

"No!" He shouts at Raven, moving around her, "I made a choice, and -

He didn't get a chance to finish, everything happened too fast, she had moved too fast. Kayleigh was calm-too calm, they should've been prepared.

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