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                     Third Person POV

Station 13

"Test subject 001, age 6." Becca says moving to the aide of the bed, syringe hoving near the I.V. tubes. "Take a deep breath." She tells the little boy laying still on the bed.

Doing as she says he takes a deep breath as Becca sticks the needle through the tube pushing down on the plunger. In a matter of minutes this new serum was already circling inside the young boys body.

"You're doing great James, such a brave boy." she says with a smile.

James beamed under the praise, that was until his father came barging into the lab.

"What the hell did you do Becca!? What have you done?!"

"There's no need to shout Mr. Thompson, as you can see he's fine."

"No need to shout!" Mr. Thompson roars as James flinches back in the bed.  "That's my son!"

James had never seen his father this angry before. Couldn't recall a single time he'd ever raised his voice even when he had been caught getting into mischief.

"Which is why it had to be him." Becca states waving her hand towards the boy. "His genetics is half-

"Don't you fucking finish that sentence." He says taking a threatening step towards her, his fists clenching at his sides.

James visibly shrinks back further into the bed, as the dark haired lady looks unfazed by his father's fury.

"If my theory proves correct, this will help save the human race." She states

"By experimenting on children? You really are a cold unfeeling bitch." He spits, moving around her going to the bed, looking his son over.

"I can do it. I know I can, and James is going to help me prove it."

                  End of Flashback

"The end is coming." The voice rang out as Clarke pressed play on the tablet. "Hear me as I say it this time. The end is coming, and it's coming soon."

"Cadogan." Jaha says pointing at the screen. "He gave this speech two weeks before the bombs."

"The world is dark and getting darker all the time. Everything we once trusted has turned on us-- government, religion." His voice was strong, almost hypnotizing, as his eyes drifted over every person in the crowd watching him. "Even technology has become a weapon in their hands used to poison our minds." He says tapping at his temple, before pushing his ching length hair back. "I know you're in pain. I know you're afraid, but it doesn't have to be like this. There is a way out of the darkness. I can show it to you. You can be saved. Join me. Join us, and together when the horsemen come, from the ashes, we will rise."

"Please tell me you have more than this." Clarke says handing the tablet back to Jaha

"In the two years before the bombs, Cadogan sold off most of the Second Dawn's real estate holdings, generating tens of millions of dollars, but there was one thing he didn't sell." Jaha  says handing the tablet back. "I found this in his autobiography. It's his childhood home. His father built a bunker there to save his family. I think Cadogan used the church's money to expand it."

"He grew up there." Bellamy tosses in. "Maybe he kept it for sentimental value."

"Hmm. His father beat him almost daily in that house." Jaha informs him. "He hated living there."

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