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                    Third Person POV

Kayleigh sat silently next to Bellamy, hand clasped together, while he told Octavia about the plan for them to return to space.

"5 years." Octavias shocked voice comes through the radio. "Can you really survive up there?"

"Raven says we can. As soon as it's safe, we'll find a way back down." Bellamy replies quickly.

"What about Kayleigh?"

Bellamy looks over to the girl in question, but she silently shakes her head. She wanted to talk to Tavia, but not like this, not when it felt like a piece of her soul was being torn in half. There was too many things that needed to be said, so many unanswered questions. She couldn't speak, instead just gently squeezed Bellamys hands, shaking her head once more.

"We will meet again." Bellamy assures her, while looking into Kayleighs eyes. "We will all be together again."

She couldn't say good-bye, couldn't lie to her and say she would see her again or that things would be fine.

"I'll be waiting under the floor." Octavia attempts to joke

"You're not that little girl anymore." He reminds her, only for her to fall silent once more. "What is it, O. ?"

"I'm not sure I'm up for this, Bell." And even Kayleigh could hear the strain in her voice. "They look at me like I know what I'm doing just because I won a fight."

"They look at you like that because you saved them."

"But it won't last -

"Now you have to lead."

"How?" She questions. "I'm not a leader. It should be Kayleigh, or you-

"O. , stop." He says leaning more onto the table. I couldn't have done what you did, and it wasn't just winning a fight. You gave people hope when there was none." He says with a small smile playing on his lips. "You're you're Prometheus, stealing fire from the gods and giving it back to the human race."

"Prometheus got chained to a rock so that eagles could eat his liver." Octavia deadpans remembering the story

"Thanks for ruining my metaphor, O."

"I love you, big brother." She blurts out on a rush. "Guess it takes the end of the world for me to say it." She starts to sniffle, and Kayleighs eyes begin to water.


"I love you, too."

"Bellamy?" She calls out as the radio fills with static and white noise. "Bellamy, can you hear me?"

"O. ? Hey, O. , are you there?"

"Are you there, O. ?"

"No, no, no. Come on. O." H clicks the radio again, but more static fills the space in between. With a sad sigh he sets the radio down, staring blankly at it. "May we meet again." He whisphers.

"She knows you love her." Kayleigh rasps out. "Always has, and always will."

Bellamy nods solemnly before turning to her. "She loves you too, you know."

Kayleigh opens her mouth to speak, but doesn't get a word out as Clarke bursts through the door.

"Hey." She says pausing just no realizing Kayleigh was in there as well. "Do they have her?" She questions eyeing the silent  radio. "Bellamy?"

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