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              Third Person POV
                   *** Polis ***

Indra releases a deep breath, walking further into the room.

"You need to sleep." She says knowing her once student had barely gotten any since the retreat.

"I'll sleep when the war is won." Octavia replies barely looking up at her. "Why are you here?"

"You know why."

"No more lectures, Indra." She says pushing away from her desk, not in the mood to hear this.

"I didn't sanction human testing," Indra continues anyways, "but that doesn't mean I won't use what Cooper learned to help save my people." She states. "What if the worms destroy the valley?"

"You're the head of my army." Octavia deadpans, "Give me a better idea."

She has thought everything else through, this was the only other option that would be less causalities on their side. They didn't have their weapons but they could use this.

"Am I the head of your army?" Indra questions stonically

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?" Octavia snaps turning sharply to glare at her.

"When were you going to tell me about this weapons plan?"

"When were you going to tell me you helped Kane escape?" Octavia counters. "If we lose, that'll be why. How does that make you feel?"

"Awful," Indra admits without hesitating before adding, "and I'd do it again."

"Not if I throw you in the pit first." Octavia snarls,the sting of betrayal at her admission doing nothing but fuel her rage.

"I won't apologize for protecting you from yourself."

"Get out." Octavia rasps out gravely "I said go!" She shouts when Indra still stands there staring at her.

"Blodreina." A guard questions through the door hearing her shout.


Before I do something I can't take back...

"Be careful of the dark, Octavia," Indra says staring back at her. "too easy to lose your way." She says staring at her for a moment longer, before opening the door and closing it quietly behind her.

*** Shadow Valley ***

"Echo says you accused my pilot of sabotage, that he, not you, locked me out of my missile system." Diyoza says arms folded across her chest, eyes narrowing on Raven.

"Tell the Colonel what you told me." Kane tells Raven only to be cut short.

"No more words." She says pointedly. "I need proof."

"Show her."

"OK." Raven says through gritted teeth, all the while glaring at Echo.

Raven told her to wait, not to do this, but she took matters into her own hands anyways. Shaw was beaten, but not badly. It was more of a promise of the pain that was to come if Raven didn't play this right.

She clears her throat gestureing towards the keyboard, only after getting a nod from Diyoza did she take her seat.

"First, I have to access the backlogs for the missile systems." She explains fingers hovering over the keys. She takes another breathe, and lets her fingers work their magic. "Logs can be tampered with on the surface. See? Right here." She says pointing at the screen she had now pulled up. "The first layer tells you that the system was shut down manually."

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