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Kayleigh POV

Bell and Asher kept a watchful eye over me since coming here. Where Asher would do it from a distance, Bell allowed none. He was always there, watching, waiting for the damn to break and for me to fall apart. He didn't realize I was irrevocably shattered, way past being fixed. The only time I ever seemed to be alone was nights like this, when I'd sneak out of our bed to come here to stare out this window.

It had only been a week since leaving the ground, and my heart sank everytime I looked put this window. Everything here was different, and cold. The stars didnt shine as bright, the sky didn't change with colors as the sun rose and fell. The others were more comfortable within their familiar surroundings. Cammie seemed to soak up everything tech wise, and Raven gladly took her under her wings. I barely saw Echo, and what she did throughout the day, I couldn't make myself care enough to know. Only Asher seemed to be more on edge, within our new home. I knew how he felt. I've always been the on the outside never allowed to look in. I never ment to walk amongst them, but the council and the guard had always made sure I knew I belonged to them. I was there creation.

"Inmate 72." My skin crawled even more, at the familiar name.

This had been happening more and more frequently, making safety feel more and more like an illusion. I knew there was no one here, no one but us, but it didnt make a difference. Didn't stop the anxiety from rising.

"Home.. I need to get home."

Home wasn't any safer, but at least it was familiar. In there I knew the rules and how the game was played. In there I would have a better advantage.

There was only one problem. Like Tavia, I didn't know where home was. Never once took a step outside my cell, and the one time I did leave, I was unconscious. I could ask Bell, I was sure he knew where it was and how to get there, but I couldn't being myself to ask him. My cell was were darkness was bred, and my hell wasn't something I was willing to share.

Not with him.

I didn't know I was moving, or where my feet were carrying me to until I stopped my hand rising to softly tap at the door before me.

Third Person POV

Hearing a faint knocking on the door, John let's out a groan scrubbing a hand over top of his face. He laid there quietly for another moment or two, hoping like hell whoever it was would just go away, but the faint tapping returns.
Shoving the blanket off of him with a look of disgust, he quickly yanks on his discarded pants from the floor, leaving them hanging low on his hips as he jerks open the door.
The snarl on his face rapidly disappears when he sees Kayleigh standing there.

"Kayleigh, you all right?"

"I-I'm, I don't know."

"What's wrong?"

"I.. I'm sorry for waking you, but I need you."

John let's out a slow whistle. "Much be something for you to come to me instead of Bell or the Beast." He says looking her over, noticing how much darker the circles under her eyes had become. "What do you need me to do?"

"Take me home."

John looks at her all confused at first by her choice of words, and began wondering if she was having an epsiode. "Kayleigh, we cant go back to the ground," he says gently. "Its not possible, not for 5 years if Raven can figure out how to get us back down there.. This is home."

Kayleigh shakes her head. "This was your home, never mine. I-I don't know how to find it to get there myself."

Kayleigh sees the hesitation spread across his face and lets out a soft sigh. She didnt know what she was thinking, or why she came to him instead of all the others.

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