Chapter 19- No more tears left to shed

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Chapter 19


Dear Paige,

I know that you are probably saying that my death is your fault. Its not. Please don't kick your self down. I wanted to get out of here because no one cared. No one will care when I'm gone. No one ever cared about Brooke Hyland. I hope that you stay strong Paige. I really do.

Love, Brooke Hyland

That was her last diary entry. The page was covered in blood and tear stains.

I quickly shut the book and threw it on the ground. I got up and went to my bathroom. I picked up the razor and held it close to my wrist.

Should I?

What if things get better?

I sighed and put the razor down. I walked out of the bathroom and jumped onto my bed. I looked up and saw my ceiling fan spinning. Every time I look up I see that fan. It reminds me of Brooke.

"Paige," my dad said peeking his head through the door.

"Aw Paige don't cry."

I didn't even realize I was crying until he said I was.

We had a semi father daughter moment.

"Paige, I wish I could stay here with you but we have to go to the doctors office so you can get that boot off your foot."

I looked at him and nodded. I got of my bed and changed into sweat pants and a hoodie.

I walked out to the car and waited for my dad. He finally came out and started the car. The soft radio music played in the background. I went on Instagram and found that someone tagged me in a photo. I clicked on the photo. It was a video of a fat person dancing.

What Paige Hyland looks like when she dances.

I quickly turned off my phone and shut my eyes. Tears rolled down my face but I wiped them away.


"So Paige, why are you here today?" asked the doctor

"I'm here to get my boot off my foot." I said

"I'm going to do a quick check then we will take this thing off your foot." he said

He left the room then came back with a machine. He checked out my foot then took the boot off.

"There you go, all done. You can leave."

I thanked then I came back out to the waiting room to see my dad with my other shoe. I quickly put it on then we went back home.

When we got home I ran to my room. I opened the door to my studio and I turned on "Only human". I improved just to dance again.

The song finished and I decided that I had no more tears left to shed.

A/N: Hey guys. I have 2 new books. One is called To Live Like You're Dying. The second one is called When The Lights Go Out. Please check them out.


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