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Christmas Day

Christmas Eve at Anne's was great. The food was amazing and both Gemma and Anne were so nice to me. Gemma and I had one too many drinks and we shared our feelings.

"So- do you like Harry?" she smirked

"Oh shut up! I do- but it's complicated"

"Oooo" she cooed

"Shhh he'll hear you" I scolded her.
"Explain to me" she slurred

"I like your brother... a lot but I also like this other guy and I don't know how on earth I could choose"

"Don't" she joked "have both!"

I rolled over in my bed. Timothee had just texted that he was indeed coming into town today. We were going to have a small dinner party with a few of Harry's and Timothee's friends. I looked over at the time. 10:30. I had to get up but I felt so groggy from yesterday. A loud knock came from the door.

"Come in!"

Harry entered and walked over to my bed in three long strides. "How are you still in bed. Get your ass up!"

"What's behind your back?" I questioned, raising an eyebrow.

"Breakfast!" he said as he proudly handed me a white paper bag.

"Bagels?" I smiled.


"Thank you H" I sang.

I motioned for him to sit on the bed next to me.

"We have to pick up Timothee at the airport later today. He texted me his flight details"

"We can pick him up together," I said with a mouth full of bagel.

I leaned back against my pillows as we ate our bagels in the comfortable silence.

"Hey Timothee we're here at the airport where are you?" I looked down at my phone to see a smiling Timothee.

"Oh I'm inside but I'll meet you by yellow pole. Do you guys see it?"

"Yeah we see it" I motioned at the yellow pole so Harry could pull over.

"Okay we're waiting outside. Byeeee see you in a minute" and I hung up the phone.

"Someone's excited" Harry chimed.

"Yeah" I uttered. "He is our best friend"

I stepped outside so I could wait for him. I looked around a few times until my eyes landed on a tall and lanky figure. I knew he spotted me when I did. He quickly rushed over, dragging a suitcase behind him.

"Timmy!" I exclaimed as I wrapped my arms around his neck. "I've missed you so much," I whispered into his ear. I felt his arms rest around my waist

"I've missed you too," he whispered back. I pulled away from him and took his suitcase to the back of the car.

"Harry!" he exclaimed as they embraced in a hug.

"Nice to see you man it's been a while"

"Come on guys let's talk in the car I can see paps pulling up" We all scrambled into the car. Harry in the driver's seat, me in the passenger, and Timothee in the back.

"Soooo how was filming?" I cooed.

"It was great we got a lot of work done but I'm glad I can be with you guys for the holidays."

The rest of the car ride we talked about Timothee's movie, Harry's music, and well- my vlogs. Before heading home, I had stopped by the market to pick up a few items. I set the groceries on the white marble countertop.

"Oh! I meant to mention it in the car, but I invited a few friends of mine if that's okay with you guys-" Timothee recalled.

"Fine by me"

"- and me!" Harry interjected.

An awkward silence settled over us.

"Well- " I said breaking the silence "I'm going to head upstairs to get ready" and I fled the scene.

A few hours later, people started to trickle in. No one I knew in particular, but I still welcomed them as if I knew them.

I had decided on this casual dress. I was excited to just be around friends and hang out. I huddled in the corner, trying to figure out how I was going to tell Timothee what I told Harry earlier.

 I huddled in the corner, trying to figure out how I was going to tell Timothee what I told Harry earlier

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"Hey how are you. You see quiet" he questioned, looking right into the eyes. I looked up at him, but quickly averted.

"Honestly, I'm doing okay. That night of Harry's party- when I said I was confused- I still am. And I'm starting to think that time is making it worse" I was supposed to hold off until after dinner for this conversation, but I guess we'll have it now. "Here, follow me" I grabbed his hand and led him up the stairs, into the hallway where it was quiet.

He grabbed my upper arm and spun me around so that I was facing him. "Hey, I know you're confused and I'm sure Harry isn't making this any easier. You don't have to explain yourself because I understand. I'm not telling you to choose right now but when you do, I'll be here waiting."

I smiled up at him empathetically. "Thank you" I muttered. I pulled him into another hug and I could feel his heart beating against his ribcage.

"There you guys are I've been looking all over for yo- oh I'm so sorry I- I'll leave right now" Harry stumbled

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"There you guys are I've been looking all over for yo- oh I'm so sorry I- I'll leave right now" Harry stumbled.

I pulled away from Timothee. "Hey, it's fine," I said. "We were just about to head downstairs."

Harry scrambled away. "Come on, let's go eat dinner" I hurried. I grabbed Timothee's hand, and we headed downstairs to join the rest of the group

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