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*Harry's POV*

Beep. Beep. Beep. My alarm rang. I looked at the time. It was 7:30. They said the interview was at 9 but we had to go in early for makeup and a fitting. I got out of bed and walked to Elle's room to wake her up. I knocked on her door and entered. Of course she was already awake. Why wouldn't she be? I looked at her bed. She had neatly laid out a perfect outfit. She caught me looking at it.

"Do you like it?"

"I think it's perfect" I replied

I've heard the rumors. Elle has shown me countless tik toks of people like me and Timothee who break masculine toxicity. But I think Elle's is kind of a style icon herself- she'll never admit it though. She had a pair of white cream pants with a matching cropped button up shirt.

"What shoes are you going to wear?"

"I was thinking some docs. Do you think that'll look good?" I nodded. She headed back into her bathroom. I also needed to get ready. At least I didn't need to choose an outfit. I quickly brushed my teeth, combed my hair and finished in about 5 minutes. I headed back into her room. She had already changed.

"What do you think?" she said as she gave a twirl.

"I think it's definitely going to make timothee ask for your number."

"Shut up" she said as she rolled her eyes.

I sat down on a hanging chair as she did her makeup in the bathroom.

"For breakfast" I said "I was thinking we could just grab some breakfast on the way"

"Yeah that sounds fine. Oooo wait- whose car are we taking?"

"Let's take the soccer mom car" It was our nickname for the range rover. It had heavily tinted windows so it was perfect.

By 8:00 we were downstairs and ready to leave. I tossed her the car keys. She caught them with one hand.

"You can drive" She smiled. 

*Elle's POV*

"Hi can I please have a matcha latte with almond milk?"


"And then can I also get a grande black coffee. And then can I also get 2 chocolate croissants?"

"Sure thing. Your total will be 18.77 at the window.

"Thank you"

As I was about to pull out my credit card, Harry put his hand on mine.

"Let me pay"

It was too early to argue so I let him. After we got our food we were headed to the studio. I hadn't even thought about what I was going to say to Timothee. Should I just straight up fan girl or should I act like I don't know who he is. Before I could decide, we pulled up to the lot.   

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