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*Harry's POV*

It was 5:30. She would be here any minute. I had been setting up all day. I found a checkered white and red cloth and laid it on the grass outside. The plan was to have a picnic and watch the sunset. My house faced the beach so the sunset was going to be especially pretty. I changed in some joggers and a hoodie. 

The doorbell rang. That was her. I ran to the door and opened it. 

"Heyy!" I said. I hugged her and she hugged me back. Ugh- her hugs were the best. 

"Is it okay if i vlog?" she whispered. I gave her a nod. 

She lifted up her vlog camera. "So this is Harry guys, but you already knew that."

"- and I have a surprise for her!" I said interrupting her. I reached for the vlog camera. "It's my camera now!" I laughed. 

"be my guest" she said. 

"So I'm going to blindfold Elle and lead her to the surprise" I said. I pulled a blindfold out of my hoodie pocket and handed it to her. 

"Nice blindfold" She said noting the hot pink pattern. It was crazy how she was the same on and off camera. I didn't know what I expected but whatever it was, this was better. 
The blindfold was on. I made sure to vlog everything. 

"Grab my hand" I said. With one hand over the blindfold and the other in mine, I led the way to the backyard. 

"You better not run me into anything!" she said. 

"No promises!"

"Wait I hear the ocean." She looked puzzled. We crossed the grass to where the picnic was. Before taking of her blindfold I showed the camera what I had set up. There was a plate of cheeses and cold cuts. A couple sandwiches, fruit, and salad. And of course, a glass of wine. But I didn't show that to the camera. She wasn't even of age yet. I stood on the other side of the blanket and was ready to film her reaction. 

"You can take off the blindfold now" she reached up pulled the bandanna off her face. 

"Oh my god Harry! What the heck. This is crazy! You did all of this?" I just nodded. The smile on her face reached from ear to ear. "Come give me a hug." she said. I stepped over the food and hugged her. "This is amazing"

I handed her the vlog camera and she turned it off. "Harry-" I just smiled at her with my hands behind my back. 

"Do you like it?" I said. 

"Do I like it? This is the nicest thing someone's ever done for me. I love it" She reached out her arms and hugged me again. God I love her hugs. 

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