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*a few months later*

Last time you saw me, I was getting Timothee's number. Everything has changed. Me, Harry, and Timothee have become such good friends. We're THE trio. I still post youtube videos and they get way more views that they used to. I rarely put Harry and Timothee in them but when I do, people go crazy. Anyways, Harry is having a christmas party at the house tonight. About a week ago he decided that we were going to do a secret santa at the party and I got Timothee. As soon as I got him, I knew what I was going to get. 

It was a few hours until the party started. Harry was out doing something and Timothee was somewhere in the house. He had slept over yesterday. Okay- yes it was in my room but I promise we did NOTHING. Well- we just cuddled but that's it. Anyways I had already wrapped up his gift. It was sitting under my bed. 

My plan was to give him a shit gift during the secret santa but then give him is real gift later. 

A ring came from the door. I opened it to see Harry with about 5 bags of grocery on each arm. 

"Woah there"I said as I gabbed a few bags off his arms and brought them to the table. 

Harry left early this morning and I hadn't seen him yet at all today. 

"What'd you and Timmy do last night?" he smirked. 

"Nothing!" I said. 

"Sure" he dragged out. "I bet it got freaky"

"No it did NOT!" 

"What are ya'll taking about down there?" Timmy asked from upstairs. 

"Nothing" I yelled back. I gave Harry a death stare and he didn't say anything. He laughed and started to put the groceries into the fridge. 

We had already ordered catering but Harry picked up a few chips and dips from the local market. 

"Did you get recognized?" I asked him. 

"Surprisingly, no" he said. "Everyone's at home I guess." 

The Christmas party wasn't actually on the day of Christmas, it was a week before. Harry wanted to be with his family on Christmas day so he decided to have it early. But what really surprised me was that he asked ME to go with him. Well... he asked Timothee too but he was working the week after so he wouldn't be able to make it. Once this party was over, Harry and I are going to fly to London. Even after one year of knowing each other, I've never met his parents. 

Anyways we finished setting up the small snacks and settled on the couch. It was only an hour until guest arrived. 

Timothee walked downstairs. He looked pretty hot. Over the past few months, we had gotten so close. And after I friend zoned Harry- oh yeah, i forgot to tell you. A few months ago, Harry told me he wanted to be more than friends. But I shut down the thought immediately. One, I didn't want a real relationship to ruin our friendship, and two, yes, I still feel bad-  Timothee and I were getting along so well. I honestly thought he was going to ask me to be his girlfriend a few days ago. I smiled and pushed the thought out of my head. 

It was Secret Santa time. Everyone opened had opened their gifts expect me and Timothee. By now, I ruled out that I was Harry's secret santa. It's why he never told me who he got. He handed me a small box with a neatly tied bow on top. Everyone "Oooood" at the box. I hope he didn't get me something expensive. For this secret santa we were just supposed to give jokes as gifts. I peeled away at the wrapping and under it was a Gucci box. 

"Harry!" I screamed. "This better be fake" I know he has hundred of Gucci boxes in his closet. The fake present could be inside. 

"Open it" 

I looked up at him and gave him a quizzical look. He just smiled. I pulled the top away and underneath was a Gucci promise ring. I gasped and gaped at the ring. No fucking WAY did he just get me a GUCCI ring. Okay the ring probably cost one tenth of anything he owned but STILL. I looked over at Timothee. I swear I could have saw a hint of jealousy in his eyes- but it was gone before I could make note of it. 

"I hope it fits" Harry said. 

I pulled the ring out of the box and slid it on the right ring finger. It fit perfectly. How did he even know? 

"It's a promise ring that represents our friendship. Thanks for being my best friend" 

My eyes started to water and I gave him a pouty face. 

"I love it" I leaned over the couch and gave him a hug. 

"Thank you so much" I whispered into his ear. 

"Your welcome"

I pulled away and wiped tears off of my face. "Now I feel bad for not getting you a good Chrismas gift!" I said jokingly. He just laughed it off. 

I don't think he understood how much the ring meant to me. Yeah, it's just a ring but we've been through so much together. Before I moved out to LA I had no friends and suddenly I was friends with Harry motherfucking Styles. It was a literal dream. 

It was my turn to give Timothee his gift. He opened it and inside was a squatty potty. I wasn't really focused on him or anyone because all I could think about was the new added weight on the right hand. Harry moved closer to me and rubbed his hand up and down my back. It sent a shiver down my spine. I hope no one noticed. 

A/N: this was originally going to be more of a Timothee fan fic but since he's now cancelled I'm turning into a Harry one. 

one year [H.S & T.C]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora