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Harry Styles

I rolled over in bed to see Elle sleeping, her back facing towards me. I sat up and looked over at my alarm clock. It was already ten past eight and we had to be at the studio by nine. I gently shook Elle's shoulder.

"Elle? We have to wake up. It's almost nine" I whispered.

She turned around to face me. "Five more minutes" she pleaded.

"Okay. Just 5" I sighed. I layed back down with my hands behind my head. How has she never met Mitch or Sarah before? They were like my second family. She obviously knew who they were, and they knew who she was but my separate worlds never collided. I was a little nervous about the whole interaction but I told myself it would be fine.

We were almost done with the album- it was said to be released in December but it could probably be released earlier if we really wanted. It was only February and we only had a few more songs to write. I knew she wanted to listen to Cherry after I had brought it up at dinner the other day. It made me a bit anxious, but I knew she would understand the lyrics and what I was feeling at the time.

Once the five minutes had passed, Elle trudged back to her room to get ready. I quickly brushed my teeth, fixed my hair, and threw on a pair of jeans and a black tee shirt. If she wanted to, Elle could get ready really quickly and that's exactly what she did today. In less than 20 minutes she was downstairs, eagerly waiting to get in the car.

"Since we're running late" I said as I walked down the stairs and into the kitchen. "I was thinking we could just grab that one breakfast place you like and get it to-go. We can also grab the crew something too"

"That sounds good," she nodded. Even though we were getting breakfast later, she was still rumbling through the pantry to find something to eat. She was always hungry in the morning so I let it slide. I slowly moved up behind her, wrapping my arms around her waist. I rested my chin on her shoulder and she looked up at me. A smile slowly formed on her lips and she patted my temple.

"I love you" she said softly as she planted a kiss on my forehead.

"I love you too Elle"

I released her from my grip as she settled on a granola bar. She tore off the wrapping and bit into it.

"Are you excited?" I asked, trying to start a conversion. She hopped on the counter and sat across from me.

"Duh!" she said with a mouthful of granola. She started to ramble "I can't want to meet Mitch and Sarah! Do you think they're going to like me? Also-" she raised an eyebrow "do I get to hear Cherry?"

"Woah there" I laughed. "One, yes Sarah and Mitch will love you; and two, yes you can hear Cherry"

She squealed in excitement. "I can't wait!" she breathed.

"Come on," I said "Let's get into the car." She quickly grabbed her purse off the counter and followed me into the garage. I had sent a text message earlier to the crew and asked what they wanted from the Beachwood Cafe.

"Elle" I said as I started the car "Can you call the Beachwood Cafe and put in our to go order. I sent you a screenshot of what the other's wanted."

"Sure" she replied, taking out her phone and dialing the number. I started to drive and listen to Elle talking to the lady over the phone. We didn't go to the Beachwood Cafe often and I don't know why but it was one of my favorite places. It was the first time where Elle and I met- well besides when she passed out. I still cannot believe that was a little less than a year ago. Time flew by when I was with her.

"I can't believe we're going to the cafe," she said. She had already ended the call and was now messing with the knobs on the stereo.

"The last time we went there was like what? Before Thanksgiving!" I continued.

one year [H.S & T.C]Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum