kissing in front of the girls

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The sound of laughter filled your ears when you opened the door to the studio. The girls were all inside, taking a short break during their busy day of being hard at work for new music. With a container of food in your hands for Yuqi, you closed the door a little louder than intended, causing all heads to turn to you.

"Sorry," you mumbled, watching your girlfriend's eyes light up when she saw you. She got out of her chair and brought you into her warm embrace, hand rubbing along your back as she smiled against your neck.

"What are you doing here?" She asked and there was no mistaking the happiness in her voice.

"I brought you some food, in case you're hungry. I know you've had a busy day and it's still not even close to being over and I wanted to make sure you had something good to eat if you haven't had the chance yet."

Unsure of what to say to express her thankfulness and the butterflies in her chest that came about from knowing how much you love and care for her, she leaned in and stole a kiss from your lips.

It was only a couple of seconds long, quick but sweet and loving.

"Thank you, baby. That's so thoughtful of you. I'm so hungry so I'm looking forward to eating it."

"Good. Everything coming along well? You're doing good?"

"Perfect and I'm feeling even better than before." She said and reached back to place the container on the table before putting her arms around your neck. With a wide smile on her face and bright eyes, she leaned in for another kiss; one that lasted longer than the one before.

You found your hand slowly traveling to the small of her back to keep her close. A soft sigh fell from her lips and onto your own. You relished in the soft brush of her lips against your own and the way she'd occasionally smile into the kiss, finding that your chest filled with butterflies at the feeling.

The girls knew you were there but had been busy with their own conversation. Only did they look your way when they had to get back to their busyness once again.

Minnie cleared her throat before moving to tap Yuqi's shoulder.

"Yuqi? Yuqi!"

"What?" Yuqi asked, looking back at Minnie in confusion, wondering what could be so important that she had to interrupt your moment.

"We need to get back to work," Soojin explained and Yuqi nodded her head slowly.

"Okay." She pouted, sending you sad eyes. But you kissed her lips once more and she found herself smiling, like always. "Thanks for stopping by, baby. I shouldn't be home too late. I love you so much."

"Love you, Yuqi. Looking forward to it." You said and kissed her cheek before making your way to the door. But you didn't walk out until Yuqi sat back in her chair and begun eating the food you made for her, shielding it from the girls who so badly wanted a taste.

Your eyes locked from across the room. You blew her a kiss before walking out the door, already excited for her to get home soon.

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