cold CEO!Yuqi is only soft when it comes to you (requested)

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"Didn't I tell you I needed you to get that paperwork done for me?" You heard Yuqi ask to one of your coworkers as you approached her office. "I told you how important it was and you slacked off and didn't get it done!"

You quietly opened the door and Yuqi glanced over at you.

For a second, her eyes went soft and she smiled a little.

But when your coworker began to talk, the softness on her face faded and she became upset once more.

"I'm truly sorry."

"What were you doing that was so important that you couldn't get this done?"

"Well," Your coworker replied, trying to rack their brain for an excuse.

"You don't have an answer, do you? You didn't do it because you don't give a damn about your job or this company. Right? Well, I do! I have worked my ass off from the day that I started this company and I told myself I wouldn't tolerate lazy workers. I have given you warnings in the past because you've done this before!"

"I know. I'm sorry, ma'am, I truly am. I'll do better. I'll start on the paperwork now."

"No. It's already late, which means everything I needed it for will now be delayed. Your lazyness doesn't just affect you, it affects those around you. We're a team here. But you don't care about that and I don't care about you. I've gievn you enough warnings and I trusted you with this important task that you couldn't finish. I'm done. You're fired."

"No, please-"

"Get out of my face!" Yuqi said before your now ex-coworker left.

"Yes, Y/N. How can I help ypu?" She asked. "Come in."

You nodded and walked over to her before putting the files she'd needed on her desk in front of her.

"That was rough."

"Yeah, well, she didn't care about anyone but herself. She's proved that on multiple occasions. I warned her several times. This was the last straw." Yuqi sighed.

"Do you want me to do that paperowkr for you?"

"You don't have to kiss up to me, Y/N. You're the only one here I like." She smiled.

"I'm not kissing up." You laughed. "I genuinely don't mind."

"Sure. I'd appreciate that. That's why you're the best worker here." She said before looking over to see that the door was open. "Close the door."

Your heart skipped a beat before you went over and closed the door before coming back over to her.

"Being a CEO is stressful." She said before letting out a heavy sigh. "At least I've got you."

You came up behind her before you began to rub her shoulders.

"Everyone always thinks it must be so nice to be a CEO of a company. You make a lot of money and don't have much to worry about. But that's so not true. There's so much stress that comes along with it."

"I know." You said before shushing her softly. "Don't worry about anyhting. Just relax."

She closed her eyes and cracked a smile before letting out a hum.

You and Yuqi have been secretly dating for a few weeks but your rleationship is very secretive.

"That feels nice."

You were about to speak when the door suddenly opened.

"What!?" She yelled as her eyes flew ipen to see one of your other coworkers standing there.

"Sorry to interrupt Miss Song but you have a meeting in an hour."

"I know this." Yuqi replied before rolling her eyes. "From now on, knock before you enter. I don't like people who don't respect my privacy and my space."

"Yes, ma'am. Very sorry." He said before leaving the room.

"Oh, god, you are the only one here that doesn't get on my nerves." She said before spinning her chair around to pull you onto her lap. "How do you do it?"

"I'm an angel. That's how." You joked and she laughed before kissing you.

Yuqi has always been soft when it comes to you.

There's always been something about you that makes her turn to mush around you.

Being upset with you is impossible.

But ever since you got together, she's been even softer for you, finding herself constantly becoming putty in your hands.

"I should get back to work."

"Must you? That means I have to deal with these annoying jerks on my own. At least when I've got you here with me, I feel a little calmer."

You shook your head with a smile.

"You're a sweet little softie."

"Nope. Not even in the slightest. Only for you. I despise everyone else that exists. You, my darling, are the exception."

You giggled before kissing her again and wrapping your arms around her neck.

"Well, then, I must be the luckiest girl in the world." You spoke against her lips.

She laughed before pulling you a little closer, only to pull with a huff of annoyance as a knock appeared on her office door.


"Fresh coffee, Miss Song,"

"Did I ask for this?" Yuqi wondered.

"Well, no, but-"

"But nothing. Stick to your assigned job duties. You don't need to bring me coffee. I have other people for that. Go back to work."

The door was closed a second later and Yuqi rolled her eyes before looking at you.

"I was about to throw this in her face. It's ice cold anyways." Yuqi sighed.

"So much for fresh coffee." You joked. "I have to get back to work."

She pouted.

"If I spend too much time in here, they'll get suspicious. Two people have already seen us closer than we should be if we weren't together. They might spread it around."

"Good. Let them. It'll give me the excuse to fire them and find better workers who don't waste my time." She said. "If they give you trouble, you come to me right away."

"Will do. I promise." You said before kissing her lips once more.

"Come back soon, sexy," She said and pretended to catch the kiss you blew her before you walked away, leaving her smiling from ear to ear; something only you can do.

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