you need her after a bad day

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You breathed out a shaky sigh as you got into your car and slammed the door shut. Finally, after a long day, you were able to head home.

The day had been long and, honestly, not all that great. You've been counting the hours down, staring at the clock on the wall with every minute spent. Although you finally get to go home, you were desperate to hear Yuqi's voice. In need of the happiness she radiates and the sweet names she calls you that always brings a smile to your face.

You reached for your phone and scrolled through the names on your phone till you stumbled upon hers. You brought the phone up to your ear and waited to hear her voice. It rang and rang, and then rang again. You wondered if she'd even pick up! You thought about calling her again if she didn't pick up on that last ring, which was nearing.

But she answered and her voice was just as sweet as you expected. She was cheerful, your name falling from her lips in the sweetest manner.

"Y/n! How are you?"

"Not great." You said as you laid your head against the seat. "You're home, right? I just really need you right now."

She was quiet for a second before answering.

"I'm sorry, my love. I've been stuck in the studio for a bit. But I'm almost done so I should be out of here at any minute,"

"It's okay." You said, faking a smile even though she couldn't see. "I totally understand. I'll see you whenever you get home. Good luck, Yuqi. Love you."

You ended the call before dropping your forehead against the steering wheel. You closed your eyes and took a few long minutes to catch your breath for what felt like the first time all day. You put your seatbelt on and pulled out of the parking lot before driving home.

You arrived home about twenty minutes later and dragged your feet as you walked through the door. You leaned back against it for a minute and closed your eyes, letting yourself calm down and unwind now that you were in the comfort of your home.

Only, your biggest comfort wasn't home yet. It was all so still and quiet and though you had hoped she'd be home, it was clear that she wasn't.

You took the stairs slowly, eyes resting on your feet, watching as they moved. When you were in your room, you fell onto the bed and closed your eyes for another minute.

Or, that was your intention. Because you soon felt fingertips running along your arm. You opened your eyes and saw Yuqi kneeling beside you on the floor. She sent you a smile but it faded when she saw the sadness in your eyes.

"Oh," she spoke sadly and climbed into bed. Instantly, you crawled onto her lap and buried your face in her neck. "Hard day?"

You just nodded your head wordlessly as you breathed in her smell, letting it fill your lungs and relax you.

"I'm sorry. What can I do to make it better?"

"You already are," you mumbled against her neck. "You're here with me, holding me, that's all I really need. You're all I need, Yuqi."

"In that case," she said before you felt your back hit the mattress. Soft kisses were peppered across your face, fingertips trailed along your sides slowly and lovingly. "You're amazing." She whispered against your cheek, kissing it softly. "Tomorrow will be a good day, a better day. But, until then, I'm all yours. I'll hold you tight and I won't let you go."

You put your arms around her neck and hugged her close, relishing in the warmth and comfort her embrace provides you.

"Love you."

"Love you more, y/n." She whispered back to you, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear then kissed your temple lingeringly, happy that you were already starting to feel better.

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