"that's hot" (requested)

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"Feel better?" You asked Yuqi as she exited the bathroom.

You watched as she removed the towel from her damp hair and tossed it into the laundry basket across the room before making her way over to the bed.

"Somewhat." She sighed. "It was just a long flight. I'll feel better soon."

This isn't exactly how you pictured the evening going.

She just arrived home from tour and you thought she'd feel up to doing something special together, like going out for dinner together or going to grab some ice cream.

But she wasn't up for any of that.

She was exhausted after her long flight back home and only wanted to watch a movie, which you didn't really feel up for.

"I just need some cheering up, I think. I'm still stressed out and I'm exhausted." She said as she ran her hands over her face.

"Yeah?" You asked as an idea came to your mind. "I know just how to cheer you up."

"You do?" She asked as she turned her head to look at you. "Tell me."

"Well, why don't I just show you instead?" You asked and watched her nod her head in agreement.

"Roll onto your side and give me one of your hands."

She furrowed her brows but did as you said.

"Your hands are clean?"

She nodded her head in confirmation.

And with big eyes, she watched as you brought her hand up to your lips.

But not to kiss.

But rather to suck on.

You took her thumb into your mouth and started to suck on it and, instantly, Yuqi felt a wave of bliss at the sight.

"Oh, wow," She said as she sank her teeth into her lip while becoming mesmerized by you and what you were doing.

"Do you like it, Yuqi?"

"I do, darling. It's hot." She said as she watched you let go of her thumb and bring her index finger into your mouth instead.

"Is it making you feel better?"

"So much better." She said, a soft sigh following as you gently sank your teeth into her finger, creating a euphoric feeling.

"Oh, that feels so nice, baby girl." She sighed.

You brought her middle finger to your lips and the feeling of bliss grew even more for Yuqi with every second that went by.

"Please, baby, don't stop." She pleaded. "I love this so much."

"Oh, Yuqi, baby. We've got all night." You smirked as you dropped her middle finger and started to suck on her ring finger. "I'll do this for as long as you want me to, darling."

She smiled a little before her eyes slipped shut in bliss and a smirk pulled at her lips.

It was an amazing feeling and she never wanted it to stop.

Yuqi Imagines (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now