you love her but she's with someone else (requested)

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"Y/N?" Minnie spoke quietly as she tapped your shoulder. "Are you okay?"

You took a deep breath as you looked away from Yuqi and her new girlfriend before looking at your friend.

"Yeah. I'm fine." You replied before looking at your lap.

Tonight, you had plans to hang out with the girls but you didn't know that there'd be someone else there too.

That someone was Yuqi's new girlfriend and it took you by surprise just as much as it did with the girls, who had no idea that she was dating someone.

Shuhua had questioned Yuqi as to why she hadn't shared the fact that she was in a new relationship with anyone and that was because they just started going out a couple of days ago.

It was a hard pill to swallow because you've been in love with Yuqi for as long as you can remember and you were just about to make your move tonight.

Your plans were ruined though and you're still conflicted on how you feel seeing her kiss and laugh with someone else.

"Y/N, we know you're not okay. Do you want to talk about it?" Miyeon asked.

You looked at the bowl of popcorn on Minnie's lap to see that it was empty and took the opportunity to get up and grab more.

"Oh, look. We're out of popcorn. I'll be right back." You said before getting up and hurrying to the kitchen.

Yuqi was so busy talking and laughing with her new girlfriend that she didn't even notice when the girls all got up to follow you.

"Y/N," Soyeon said as you put the bag of popcorn into the microwave. "You can talk to us."

"We know this can't be easy on you. You were going to confess to Yuqi tonight." Soojin said.

You pressed the popcorn button on the microwave to start it before you turned around to face them.

"I don't know." You sighed. "Don't get me wrong, I'm still very much in love with Yuqi."

"Well, then, why don't you go tell her?" Shuhua asked.

"None of us are really into this girl she's with. She just doesn't seem right." Soyeon said.

"You all just met her." You spoke, trying to reason with them.

Yuqi's laughter echoed throughout the dorm; so bubbly, so full of happiness, and so joyful.

You lowered your head before looking at them.

"I can't do it." You sighed. "I can't confess to her now. Listen to how incredibly happy she is. She's so happy."

Your voice was quiet as you listened to the words leaving your own lips.

"Does it hurt a little? Of course. That could've been me. I'm so in love with her that not being the reason why she's laughing that way is a little crushing to me. But at the same time, I can't get in the way of that. It would hurt me even more if I ruined that happiness she's feeling."

"So what are you going to do? Just never tell her?" Minnie asked.

"If she's happy... yes. I can just admire her from afar. Maybe it hurts a little now but eventually, I'll become content with that. I love her. That means that I love her enough to let her go and be with someone else, as long as she's happy."

Then, the microwave beeped as the popcorn finished.

"Ready to return to the movie?" You asked and began to walk out of the kitchen, only to bump into Yuqi when you turned the corner. "Oh, gosh!"

You nearly dropped the bowl of popcorn but she managed to grab ahold of it before it fell on the floor.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome." She said and you stared into her eyes for a second before shaking your head and walking away.

The girls all walked over to her and Yuqi bit her lip.

"You heard it all, didn't you?" Soojin asked.

"Yeah. Every word, almost. I heard her say that she loves me."

"She won't tell you that though. Not while you're still with your new girlfriend." Minnie said.

"She wants you to be happy. Yuqi, if you're happy," Soyeon started to say, only for Yuqi to interrupt.

"Can I be honest? I'm not into that girl I'm with. I only started dating her because I love
Y/N but I never thought she'd want to be with me. I was too nervous to confess to her because I never thought she'd feel the same so I tried to be with someone else. To move on." Yuqi confessed.

"And now?" Shuhua asked.

"Now I know what I want." Yuqi sighed before looking over to you on the couch. "I love Y/N. I want to be with her."

"Then tell her that!" Miyeon encouraged.

Yuqi took a deep breath before nodding.

"I'm going to."

The girls all smiled from ear to ear and hugged her excitedly.

"Yeah, I'm going to tell her. Nothing's going to stop me now."

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