caught (requested)

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"This all looks so delicious, Soojin. Thank you." Yuqi told Soojin as you all sat around her kitchen table.

You're all over at her place for dinner tonight and you're feeling quite excited about it because you love her cooking.

She always makes the best food and this meal is no different.

It all looks so delicious, you just wanted to dig right into it.

"So, what's everyone been doing on their time off lately?" Minnie asked. "Yuqi, what did you and Y/N do these last couple of days?"

"Oh, uh," You paused as you looked at Yuqi beside you.

Obviously, you couldn't tell her the truth.

Your intimate moments should stay behind closed doors for just the two of you to know about.

So, Yuqi quickly came up with a different explanation for the last couple of days off that you've spent together.

"You know, just cuddled and watched some films together. We binge-watched a new season of a show that we love. Made dinner together. Just spent as much quality time together as we could."

"That's sweet." Soyeon smiled.

"Yeah. What about you? What'd you all do?" Yuqi asked as she shifted the conversation away from the two of you and onto someone else.

But you tapped her shoulder a few seconds later, making her turn her focus onto you.

"Yuqi, baby? Can you help me?"

"With what, my love?"

"I need to get this hoodie off. I'm hot." You said.

Honestly, you couldn't seem to remember why you had it on in the first place.

Even though it's chilly outside, it's warm in Soojin's home.

And Yuqi's mind was on other things so she couldn't seem to put her finger on why you had it on still either.

"Sure, baby. I've got you." She said and held onto your shirt beneath the hoodie as you pulled it over your head.

"That's better." You said and put it over the chair before returning to eating your food.

But the sound of laughter coming from across the table a minute later made you drop your fork and stare at who it was coming from.


She was staring at you and laughing to herself and it made you wonder what was so funny.

"What?" You asked.

"Yuqi lied," Miyeon said.

"What makes you say that?" Soyeon asked.

"One glance at Y/N's neck should say it all."

The girls all looked at your neck while you and Yuqi looked at each other with wide eyes.

You remembered why you had that hoodie on.

Last night, you and Yuqi spent some time making out and she got a little carried away.

There are hickeys all over your neck.

Across every inch of your skin.

Yuqi tried to help you put your hoodie back on.

But what was the point?

You'd only get warm and have to take it back off again and the girls had already seen your hickeys, there was no hiding or denying that at this point.

"That's a lot of hickeys." Soojin giggled.

"You must've gotten very carried away, Yuqi," Shuhua said as the girls laughed.

"She did." You grumbled.

"You liked it and you know it," Yuqi spoke in your ear before laughing along with the girls and touching your neck. "They're right, that's a lot of hickeys you got there, babe."

"Well, we're coming here again next week for another dinner. Let's see how you feel then when your neck is covered in hickeys." You said and watched Yuqi's eyes go wide.

But you knew that she was looking forward to it.

As were you.

Yuqi Imagines (gxg)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz