Chapter 12

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Hello readers! So here is the next chapter!!! Enjoy and please comment!!

"Why would they want to go to Russia?" I questioned as we found them on a train going through Berlin.

"Carter have an extremely large fortune. Russia is a millionaires playground. No doubt he is going there to lay low till he becomes no concern to you or Colson." Maria answered.

"Well I'm going to Russia then."

"But you can't fly. Colson will have a flight ban on your passport now so he can find you quicker." I gave a grunt knowing that Anna was right.

"I'll get a train to Warsaw. Once there I continue the route in a car so Colson will follow the train route." I instructed.

"We'll get a car arranged to be waiting for you in Warsaw. We have some friends over there who can help." Maria informed me,

"Thank you."

"Call it a christmas present. It will be Christmas day when you arrive in Poland." I smiled slightly as I hadn't realised that it was so close to christmas.

"Very well. We will get everything organised so that I am gone by morning." I headed up to my room and grabbed the hair dye kit.

It was time.

I looked at my short brown hair in the mirror in the bathroom. I had never dyed my hair before. I had to do it to make sure that Colson won't see me as easily. I got my hair wet then added the dye then waited as it did it's magic. Once it was rinsed out I dried it with the hair dryer Anna lent me.

I took a deep breathe before looking at my hair.

It looked strange to me, it was a dirty blonde now. It made my eyes look more vibriant. It completely change my appearence. Perfect.

As I stared at my reflection I noticed that I still had the green pigments above my eyebrow and now had a little patch on my collar bone. I grabbed some make up and covered it before going down to book my train ticket whilst Maria phoned the safe house in Warsaw about the car.

When the next morning came I said my goodbyes to Maira's 'children' before she drove me to the station. She was to return the rental I had gotten. When we got there I hugged her.

"I hope you end him." She whispered in my ear.

"I will.....For Mason." With that I exsited the car to the station. I got my ticket I had reserved and looked for my platform. It was then did I see him. He sat on a bench reading a book. He was not being sutble. Clint glanced up breifly to which I avoided easily. He hadn't seen my short hair and with the blonde it would disguise me well. But he was called Hawkeye for a reason. I walked by as if not seeing and went to the train opposite my actual train on the platform. I got myself a seat in the carriage. This train was going to the Neatherlands. I had ten minutes before I would need to run to the other train for this one would leave then.

He came on the train after five minutes at the opposite end of the carriage. I looked out the window and watched for the clock to land two mintues before the train left. As it hit that time I stood up with my bags and quickstepped off the train. He tried to follow by the train doors shut just as he was about to get off. I watched as he stared at me as the train slowly rolled off. I got on the correct train just before it left. I settled myself into a seat by the window and slept on the train.

As we stopped in Berlin I changed in the toilet into a dress with thick tights. Something I would rarely wear so none would recongize me if anyone waited there.

Night had fallen by the time we reached Warsaw. It was snowing in the early hours of that christmas day. I kept walking to where I was told the car would be as families met with the passangers from the train. Parents giving their children hugs, adults met by their parents, siblings hugging it. I sped up my pace as I saw two lovers kissing as they met.

On our second Christmas since we had married, I had been in Spain on a mission. I was lucky enough to get the last flight to America on Christmas Eve. It was though to Boston instead of New York. I wasn't going to land in America till lunchtime on Christmas Day so I would be back for Christmas. I was so sad on the phone but he told me that we would celebrate on Boxing Day. However, when I landed in Boston that lunchtime, Mason was waiting with a sign saying my name. I ran to him and hugged him tightly as I hadn't seen him in three months. It felt amazing to see him standing there, yet we were different then.

I was different then.

I got to the car and found the keys under the inside of the wheel. I had slept most of the day so I drove off into the night. I planned to get to the town of Baranavichy. It was four hours away so it would be a good start.

The sun had started to rise as I arrived in the town. I found a small B&B to stop in to rest. I looked at the phone that was in my small room. Should I phone Bruce? If they tracked that call I would still have at least 3 hours minimum before Clint and the others would be here. I would only worry him if I called. I haven't seen him in a week and it is Christmas......What's the time? 10 in the morning. So it would be 4 in the morning in New York. If i wait till it is four in the afternoon here then it will be 10 over there. I will call then and leave. I set an alarm for 3 then slept the day away.

When the alarm went off I dressed in jeans and a t shirt. I sat by the phone. Should I? I missed him. He would tell me to come home if I called. But if I phoned maybe I could get him to stop Colson hunting me down. I got up and splashed my face with cold water. My shoulder blades ached slightly as I looked in the mirror. The pigments now covered some of my forearm. It will no doubt be the stress and the constant anger I felt on my hunt for Carter. Before I could talk myself out of it I dialed his number and listened as it rung.

"Hello?" His voice sounded so desperate. I didn't respond at first.
"Hello?" He questioned again but it was less desperate this time.
"Hi Uncle Bruce." I heard a relived sigh.
"Merry Christmas." I smiled weakly.
"Merry Christmas Jen." He spoke softly.
"How is everyone?" I asked.
"Their good. They are coming over for dinner later."
"And yourself?" I was keeping the conversation more towards him.
"Happy to hear from you."
"And how is he?" I dreaded the answer I would get. Their was a long pause.
"It's still early days. He understands he is in a safe place." He began. It was clear he was holding something back.
"He doesn't remember does he?" I asked knowing what the answer will be.
"He knows that melody and Steve are his parents but that is it. But it would be easier if everyone was here to help him."
"I am helping him in a different way." I countered.
"By going on a manhunt for a shadow." I gripped the phone tightly.
"When he is gone, Mason will be safe from his torture." I told him. He gave a groan.
"Colson is listening in isn't he?" I questioned after a long pause. I know I'm right.
"We just want you home Jen." I wiped my silent tear away.
"I know. Listen, I've got to go......tell Colson to give me two months. That's all I ask."
"No Jen please just lis...."
"I love you Uncle Bruce." I hung up the phone then. I wiped away the tears then packed and left.
I knew that Colson would be on his way so I took a little detour through Lithuania instead of going through Belarus. It would an extra three hours to get to Russia but it means I won't need to interact with Colson. I drove till I made it into Kaunas, Lithuania. By the the time I found a place to rest it was already almost Boxing Day. I treated myself to a glass of red wine since it was still Christmas. I stared out the window of the small hotel room. Snow was drifting. I glanced at my forearm which was nearly entirely green now before looking back out the window. My mind wondered to the tower in New York. Of the many Christmas's we had had there. The whole team sitting with Tony's family, Tony trying to cut the turkey them giving up to let Steve or Thor cut it. Mason would play some carols as Tony made everyone drinks. I would sit next to Mason singing along which I only did on Christmas. I raised my glass to the window.
"Merry Christmas Mason."

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