Chapter nineteen

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Hi everyone. I'm so sorry for not updating in such a long time. I have finished writing this story so it should be easy enough to post the rest. So sorry again

Jennifer P.O.V
There was a gentle bleep of a heart monitor. My muscles were in so much pain that it was an effort to open my eyes. I had a mask over my mouth. My body was covered in bruises.
The sun was shining through the windows. The memories of my last moments before I blacked out flashed before me. How was I still alive? I should have died. How did I survive? If the transformation didn't kill me then surely Carter's men would of?

As I looked round the room, my eyes  locked onto the answer to my questions.
He sat in the chair near the window, a black eye complimenting his scar as he stared out the window. Hydra must have wanted me alive then.
I didn't do anything but stare at him till he looked round. He relaxed slightly as he saw me.
"I'm glad to see that you are awake." He spoke. I didn't say anything, not that I didn't want to which is true but also that I was too sore to speak. He sighed.
"Your wondering why you are are alive?" I gave the smallest nod I could manage.
"After you killed Carter. You transformed into the She-Hulk. I was able to lead her away from the scene. Your friend Miss Kovisky found us just as you returned to your original form. We got you here where you have been since." He explained.
"Why?" I pushed the painful whisper out as well as I could. He leaned forward then.
"After our last interaction when you said that Joseph didn't have a son, I did some research. After spending sometime going through Hydra's files I found out that you were right. I wasn't his son. I wasn't even born naturally but a pitiful experiment." He spat the last section as if it was too bitter to say.
"When I saw you at the dinner I knew who you were and why you were there. Your reason was clear. Now knowing how I was created, I couldn't stand being near him anymore. So I made the decision to let you take him to his death. He had caused enough damage so I thought he deserved whatever you had for him." I didn't know what to say, he helped save my life.  

"Where......are.....we?" I tried hard to say.

"We are on the top floor of Russian S.H.E.I.L.D  in their medical ward. You suffered a lot of injuries." He explained, just then Natalie came through with a Doctor. She smiled towards me when she saw that I was awake, I tried to smile back but it was too sore to do so.

"It is nice to see that you are awake. You took quite the beating Mrs Rogers." She began whilst the Doctor looked over his notes on the clipboard he carried.

"How.....Long.....Have.....I been out?" I asked her.

"Well, today is January 4th, so four days." Wow. I thought it might of been longer considering the possible damage that will of been done by the transformation alone, never mind what She-Hulk got up to.  

"You gave us quite the scare Mrs Rogers." The Doctor began in Russian as he continued to look over his notes.

"It seems that apart from severe bruising, two bruised ribs and a sprained ankle, everything seems to be fine." He stated, he flipped to another page on his clipboard.

"I think you will also be pleased to hear that your blood tests have come back and seem perfectly fine." Wait what?

"What....Do you...mean?" I asked.

"It means that turning into the She-Hulk should no longer be a problem." Natalie explained. A tear fell as the news sync in, I was back to normal. Well, what I consider to be normal. Natalie gently squeezed my hand in comfort at the news.

"I thought you would be pleased. Now we must discuss the issue surrounding Carter's death." She began. I arched an eyebrow at her.

" I know you want to go home to Mason and Bruce now that you have done what you had set out to do but You are in no fit state to leave yet for New York. Even if you did then it would be difficult because you are considered an enemy of every government in the world until you get back to New York where you will be cleared because of your level of authorization there."

"" I asked again.

"The you did for S.H.I.E.L.D all those years ago that made going from country to country easy was only easy because only the American Government and S.H.E.I.L.D knew what you were doing. No other government has access to your information. All they know is that you murdered Carter in an extremely violent manner." I gave a groan.

"So what is she to do then?" Thomas asked then.  I don't know why he is asking, it doesn't concern him.

"For the time being she'll stay here till she recovers. My team and I will cart a route for her to take to New York that will avoid any possible way of her being noticed." Natalie will explained, She was about to walk away but I grabbed her hand.

"How....long till I .....get back to.....New York?" I asked her as I pushed out the words. She made a face which told me that I wouldn't like the answer.

"Bearing in mind that you will need rehabilitation before leaving here......I would have to say the earliest would possibly be July." She explained, I gave another groan.

"Thank you Nat.....For everything." I said before letting go of her hand. She smiled before turning to Thomas.

"Now Agent. You should be in training just now." Training? I think he saw my expression as he smiled.

"Yes training. Since I no longer wish to be associated with Hydra. Natalie has very kindly offer to have me retrained as a S.H.E.I.L.D operative here." He explained before he got up.

"I better head down then." Was all he said before he left.  I started to feel myself doze off once more. No doubt when I wake up again the bruising will all be gone and I can start rehabilitation.

Then start my journey home.

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