Chapter five

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Hello readers! So here is the next chapter. The song to go with this chapter is myotis from the batman begins soundtrack. I hope you enjoy and please comment!!!


I peered round the door frame slightly as I waited for a sign of the intruder. I heard a creek from the kitchen. I rolled across the hall to the other side which led to the living area. I stayed crouched as I listened for another noise. I heard it again but a little bit more closer yet still in the kitchen. I slid along the dividing wall to the kitchen. Once at the door frame and slowly peeked round.
Figure was hidden by their hood, their disguise was simple. All black, hoodie, jeans, combat boots, googles with the strap going over the hood and gloves. They came well prepared with weapons judging by the belt. I watched closely as they surveyed the kitchen. They gently pulled open a drawer to find one of the three guns hidden in the apartment. It had one round in it for I keep the amo in the drawer where the gun in my hand came from. They placed the new found gun in the sink, as they did it's head turned to look at the photo on the counter near the windowsill. The photo set that Bruce gave me. The person who in the moonlight looked to be male picked up the frame for a moment. I seized my moment.
I shot a bullet at the arm that held the frame then quickly leaped behind the couch as I waited for gun fire. A grunt came with the sound of dropped wood. He must of thought I would be unarmed. Whoever sent him does not know me, I sat still as I waited for the sound of their movement. He took a few steps forward, a round was loaded into his gun. I waited another second before shooting aother bullet at him for this time I knew he would be ready for it. I missed him as he dodged it and to shoot in my dirction. I rolled out of firing line and started shooting round after round as I ran and jumped behind the wall divider to shield me as I let some of my anger come through. But not enough to transform......yet. The bullets stopped as he reloaded to which I responded by throwing myself back over with my foot directly aimed at his stomach. I hit my target which made him going straight into the wall as I landed on my feet. I grabbed his shoulders and spun so he hit the wall again but with his front. He kick me hard behind my knee which made me falter, as I did he flipped me over his shoulder.
He pulled out a knife as he held me down.
I grabbed the hand that held it and swung my legs up which kicked him in the face. He grip loosened on the knife to which I disarmed him within seconds. With a whizz and a thud the knife hit the cupboard door in the kitchen.
We pulled ourselves off the floor.
"You really don't know who your messing with." My voice was hers. I wiped the blood from my nose as a flash of teeth came from the shadows of the hood. He removed a small baton with a blue button on it, he clicked it which extended it to his length with a sharply pointed end.
"I would say the same." His voice was low, gritty. I would even say distorted in some manner. I just dodge him as he swung the stave at me. I dived into the hallway to find Jared looking terrified.
"GET OUT OF HERE!" I harshly gritted as I reloaded my gun. He shook his head more terrified.
"That psycho is gonna kill you!" He exclaimed, I gave an exasperated groan.
"Jared. I am armed and pissed off right now. Do you think this is the time to argue?!" He took one more glance towards where I came I turned and just missed another attempted blow. Jared ran out the door then. I need to wait another two minutes to make sure he is out the building before going hulk. I grabbed his stave as it landed next to me and yanked it which flew from his hands. He grabbed me by my nightdress so I now looked him straight in his goggles. I punched him square in the face to which he didn't falter,

"They warned you would be firey." He mocked. He threw me down with what would be a bone shattering force. That was all it took, I brought myself to my feet as my skin turned green. My height doubled, I bent my head so I still fitted in the living area. I gave a low growl as I stared him down.
He smirked at me before doing a clean backward dive through the glass door that led to the balcony to which his dive reached over. I followed him, crashing through some glass in the progress as he ran down the alleyway. I followed, storming through as he led me onto the Main Street. As I turned the corner so I stood on the wide road, he turned round to face me then slammed his stave off the tarmac. A blue force was released from it that threw me back onto my back. I pulled myself and ran at him to which he swung his stave so to sucker punch my jaw. As I spun my fist collided with his body so he hurdled through the air through a wall. His stave lay not far from me. I stormed towards his hole where he stood covered in dust. He tore off his goggles. I froze.
I felt myself turning back as I stared at him. This can't be right. This just can't be right. He is dead. HE IS DEAD.
Yet there he stood with a boyish smirk.
Within seconds he threw something to the floor which cause a bright blue light that blinded me. When I looked, he was gone.
I slumped against the wall and slowly pulled myself down to sitting position. This is a dream, or an illusion. Maybe Hydra have new technology to do this. To mock me. I sat there frozen to the spot.
I never noticed the flashing lights as they came. I never registered the agent who came running to me. They started speaking rapidly but it was mute to me. He tried to pull me to my feet. I couldn't move though. Everything looked to be in slow motion. He picked me up bridal style and carried me to where the copter was. He sat me on the bench and strapped me in as another agent tried to talk to me and him. Everything was still mute as they tried to get me to talk. I couldn't focus. My mind was fuzzy. Slowly, though sound began to register in my ears. The buzz of the copter first, then the pilots and then the two agents.
"MISS BANNER ARE YOU OK?!" I shakily nodded.
"Miss Banner you're safe now. We are taking you back to New York." He explained to me. He turned to the female agent who was still looking at me.
"Did you see the mans face?" I nodded.
"Do you know his identity." I nodded again.
"What's his name?" I stayed silent.
"Miss Banner we need his name." My mouth began to shape the first letter. To say it was to make it true. That he was alive.
"Mason... Rogers."

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