Chapter sixteen

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Jennifer's P.O.V

The dress covered all the green bits perfectly. My weaspons were also concealed too. I had a gun strapped to one inner thigh and a dagger to the other. There was also a small pistol hidden in my bra and another pistol that looked like a fold away brush.

"Welcome ma'am." The man at the front spoke as I walked into the golden resturant where the dinner was taking place. I nodded my head as I gave him my name in Russian. He checked the list before he showed me to the table where I saw Joseph sitting with a very well groomed Thomas. I would of thought him to be Mason if it wasn't for the claw scar on his cheek. I give a smirk as Joseph rose from the circular table.

"Good Evening Countess Stovinsky." He greeted me in Russian with a kiss upon my hand.

"Evening Mr Carter." I replied politely. We had both glanced at the name cards on the table. He introduced me to all at the table. It was clear that one of the men had brought his mistress but I ignored that. We had polite chit chat around the table as the starters came. Joesph was very gentlemen like for a man who had caused so many horrors. It was difficult at first to place my bubbling emotion to the side but I went along with his play in a flirtatous manner. As the main course came out he began to focus his attention just on me.

"Countess Stovinsky. It is very rare for me to be in the company of a beautiful woman such as yourself to have such a title." He spoke in fluent Russian. I rolled my eyes.

"I family were in Sweden when the Russian revolution happened. We stayed there till 2000 when we felt that we could return to our homeland." I explained in a casual manner in Russian.

"How lucky your family were." He commented with a grin.

"And what of you Mr Carter? Where does a man of such stature make his name?" I smirked devilishly at him.

"In the 1930's my family did well in iron when we lived in New York, then the war came and the army was a large buyers of ours. We then invested well ever since." He explained just as casually as I did. I gave a small laugh.

"The American Dream." I commented amusingly to which he winked.

"Yes, that was how my brother viewed it before he died." A struge of anger came but I covered as shock.

"Your Brother is in heaven?" I questioned, he nodded.

"We were jumped by men in the streets. He was not as strong as I was." I placed a hand on his forearm in a comforting fashion.

"How terrible it is to lose family in such a way." He placed his hand over mine. I've got him hooked now. As dessert came he leaned over to me.

"My room across the road as the best view of the fireworks tonight." He whispered in my ear which made me need to work hard not to cringe at.

"It will be even better if we were alone too." I whispered back as I placed my hand on his thigh. He leant over to Thomas and whispered something to him before coming back.

"Shall we take our leave." I smirked again as I slowly stood up. Saying good night to everyone was done quickly as Joesph got our coats.

This was it.

He led me across the road then to the lift. I casually removed the patch in my purse that the agents had given me. It sends a small electric pulse through the body to make the mutated gene dorment till it is removed. I just needed the right moment.

"The gentleman you were with/ Is he a partner of yours?" I asked him as the lift doors shut.

"Oh no. Ha, Thomas is my son. He tends to travel with me on business." He replied,

"Oh I hope not to upset him by stealing his Father." I commented.

"Do not worry. He has friends that he is meeting in the city centre. He will not be home till the morning." Perfect.

He lit a cigerette in the lift. Here was my chance. As the cigerette sat between his lips I gently placed the hand with the patch on his neck as I took out his cigerette, kissed him then took a breath from the cigerette. I slowly blow the smoke in his face with a grin that hid my repulsion for kissing him.

The patch is in place so that is Clawson out of the way.

He smiled at him in a way that made me work hard to hide my shiver.
"Smoking is bad for beautiful women." He commented in Russian as I placed the cigarette back in his mouth.
"I like to be risky." I merely replied back. I leaned in close to his ear.

"I like to be very risky." The doors pinged open to his floor. The penthouse.

The first thing I saw was a large window the was the length of the wall. He was right about the perfect view. I glanced at the clock on his wall, 10:55.
"Wine?" He asked. I nodded as I walked to the window. I casually surveyed the hotel room whilst slowly removing my thigh gun. It was a lavish room. The kitchen was connected to the living area with the large bed away at the wall with side tables and lamps. Some overly stuffed chairs were dotted about as the area which I stood at. I looked down at the ground below us outside. It looked onto a main street that was trapped with people taking to the streets for the count down. Music could be heard in the distance as the strange old colourful buildings were lit up by stage lights.

It was the perfect stage for tonight. A perfect stage for him to die on. As the old saying goes, out with the old and in with the new.

I hid it beside me as he handed me a glass of red wine. He smiled at me as he raised his glass.
"Happy New Year."
"Happy New Year." I smirked, he drank from his glass.
I took my moment.

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