Chapter ten

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Hey everyone, so I just found out today that I have been given automatic entry to one of my university choices!! And got conditional entry for another!!!I thought I would put up a chapter tonight since I'm in a great mood!!! Enjoy and please comment!!!!

I watched from the window as they attended to him. We had arrived not long ago. They had stopped his fits on the flight but he became unconicous. I stood there watching with his parents as he was hooked up to monitors and a safe IV line.
Slowly people began to leave the room. Simmons came out last with a sad smile and a clipboard.
"He's stable." We all gave a sigh of relief. I knew she was holding something back by the way she looked at us.
"What about the serum?" I asked,
"The serum was F 654. Unfortunately we know that this is of Hydra design that was used during the Second World War. As Captain Rogers will know many Hydra documents were placed under extreme security. Colson has begun to search for the file but until Mason wakes up we can be unsure of what effect it has had. I'm sorry." This was my fault. If I had taken that bloody button then it would of caused the chemical reaction. I held a fist as I thought of it. Calm yourself Jennifer. Simmons placed a hand on my shoulder,
"The level of content in the IV bag would have killed him. You saved his life." She told me. A hot tear escaped.
"But he shouldn't be in this state." Was all I got out before gliding down the hall so not to let them see the tears. As I turned the corner I ran straight into Bruce. He held me as I cried like a little girl.
It wasn't till the next day did I go back to his room. He still wasn't awake yet. Protocol stated that all who visit those who were not awake on arrival must take a night night gun into the room.
I sat on the chair beside his bed.
"If someone had said to me three months ago that I would be sitting here with you then I would have told them where to go. Yet here I am. Fitz says that due to the heavy metal in the base we wouldn't of received any mental signals if you had tried to send any. It explains why the earpieces went off line. There is something I need to tell you. I've lost the She-Hulk. Well, the final stage. I'm worried that it could be permeate. If it is then I don't know if that makes me mortal or not. What if it does. And you have to watch as I begin to age and......and.....I love you Mason. With every bit of my being. So much so that I couldn't even bring myself to throw out any of your things. It's all still there in our little apartment. When you are able to get home I am going to make you a large stack of chocolate chip pancakes." I had to talk to him. Even if he didn't respond I need to talk to him. To feel that he is with me again.
Slowly. His eyes began to flutter open. I placed a face on his cheek as he looked round at me in a mildly confused manner.
"Hi." I whispered. He stayed completely still as he looked at me. Suddenly with out a second to react, I was pinned to the wall with something tight around my neck. But there was nothing there. I struggled as I tried hard to breathe. Mason sat up as he continued to stare at me with an unfazed expression.
"Who are you?" He questioned. I couldn't speak. Black dots surrounded my vision.
"Tell me who you are and were I am." I fidgeted for the blasted gun.
"I will not ask again. Who are you?!" Two shots were fired. I dropped to the floor as I gasped for breathe.
"YOUR WIFE!" I gasped before he fell back onto the bed. I lay there on the floor as I steadied my breathing. Once I found the strength to stand I went over to the nurse intercom.
"I need four restraint straps. " I spoke. Within minutes a nurse and Bruce arrived. He looked at my neck which was no doubt bruised.
"What happened?" He questioned as the nurse attached the restraints.
"He woke up." Was all I said. He nodded understanding what will of happened.
"Skye has got the files you uploaded." I followed him out the room to the meeting room where everyone was already sitting. I took a seat next to Tony and Melody.
"Now that we are all here we can begin." Began Colson.
"Before we start I'm not sure if the Rogers wish to see this. It will upset them." Skye spoke as she looked to me. Mel and Steve looked to each other, unsure if they should watch.
"I'm staying. It's my husband. I have to know what they did." I stated. Masons parents exchanged another look then nodded in agreement.
"We are staying too." Steve stated. Skye sighed.
"Ok. To begin with the earliest file regarding Mason on Hydra record is six years ago after he had a run in with them in Italy." Some footage came up of him and I fighting some hydra agents.
"The document connected with this is a evaluation of both Jennifer and Mason. Upon it it says that Mason shows promise for X-324 whilst Jennifer would be more suited to f-654."
"Seems Hydra has been planning this for a while." Tony commented.
"There are a few more files like this. Assessing Jennifer and Masons abilities both of the natural and super natural fashion. One even saying, 'Mr M Rogers has proven himself to be a grand candidate for the experiment. The only concern being that without the proper equipment, his advance mental capabilities could stand as a rising issue to the well being of other involved."
"Meaning?" Questioned Steve.
"Mason would attempt to harm hydra agents in hope to escape the experiment." Simmons explained. I hated thus. The way they speak as though he had agreed to all this.
"The next file is where it begins to become upsetting." Skye warned before opening the footage. It shows him being brought into the room I found him in. Medics surrounded him much like when he came here yesterday.
"The subject has had extreme damage to his right shoulder, left knee and has on broken rib. Due to subjects advance healing skills we hope to begin the experiment within five weeks. Subject is placed under medicated sleep till full recovery is made." Quoted Skye as we continued to watch. The footage skipped to when he woke up. Two nurses were in the room. He threw them back as he attempted to leave but agents ran in and held him down as he was injected with something that made him go limp.
"Subject has made full recovery. However for the safety for those involved he will be placed on co-colinaid, a strong duller of the senses so not to cause danger to himself or to others." I felt sick. It skipped again to when many medics surrounded him as he began to fit.
"Subject has had negative reaction to X-324. Subject has started to have fits as he shouts out names of those not present before settling into a medicated sleep." Skye as I stared at his beautiful face that screamed in agony. The footage skipped again to show blood being taken.
"Subject is beginning to respond well to the drug. Blood is removed once every two days before counter drug is given. Subject has weeks rest before x-324 is reinjected." I wanted to vomit. He looked so helpless as he lay there. He had given up. He had accepted what had been done to him. Hot tears rimmed my eyes.
"Poor kid." Whispered Bruce as we continued to watch. The footage jumped again to see his clone Thomas sitting next to him. Mason was asleep as Thomas stared at him.
"Subjects blood has been successful in cloning subject. The clone is healthy and of equal strength and intelligence. However, clone has been unsuccessful in developing super human abilities like host subject. More development on serum must be done till further experimentation. "
"How kind of them." Commented Tony. Footage jumped again to show Carter sitting with him.
"Host subject has began to show less restraint. It is hoped that the subjects clone shall recover significant other of host for involvement in experiment. Search us yet ongoing." The tears spilled over then as they burned down my cheeks. The footage stayed the same.
"Recovery of new subject has begun. New subject has been placed under stable control so recovery shall be easier to achieve."
"They planned the meeting." I whispered as we continued to watch Mason lay is lifeless in the bed.
"Host subject had begun to mumble in his sleep since stable condition was reached in new subject. It is the belief that her mental signature has been erased from atmosphere." Skye pressed on the audio.
"Jen..... I'm here.....Jen." I covered my mouth as the footage skipped to yesterday. It showed him laying there for a few moments before I entered the room.
"New subject has gained access to building and removed host subject." The scene from yesterday unfolded. When the footage ended after Thomas and Carter left, we were left with a blank scene.
"Host subject injected with f-654. A hydra rehabilitation drug. Results unknown. This was the final entry made."
"What does hydra rehabilitation drug mean?" Bruce asked Simmons.
"F-654 helps install hydra goals and ideals into the person who is given it." Her iPad bleeped then.
"The doctors gave just messaged saying Mason us awake....." Her face told for bad news.
"What have they said?" Demanded Mel.
"Mason is not hydra...... But he does not know who he is." I stormed out the room as a rising pain came in my head. Anger and sadness was swirling inside me as I felt my legs give out from the pain. Anger bubbled inside me as the news kept ringing in my head. Someone caught me before I fell as I yelled out in despaired rage. I didn't look to see who it was as the pain continued.
"It's ok. It's ok." Mel's voice soothed me as I tried to calm down.
"Sir, Jennifer's body is trying to transform." Simmons voice was heard further back.
"She is calming down sir." Fitz could also heard as I yelled once more. He was right. As Mel calmed me my body was in less and less pain.
I took a few deep breaths before attempting to move. I stood up and began walking down the corridor, I knew the others were behind me.
"I'm fine. I just need to be alone." I spoke quietly as I continued on. I went to my room and pulled out my wedding dress. Such a beautiful dress, yet he won't remember it. Will he ever remember anything again?
I hung it back up and grabbed my old duffle bag. A bag I thought I would never need again. I shoved my clothes and weapons into it. I'll grab a map in the station. I printed out a map of the country with a red circle around the hydra base. I'll start my search there. I wrote Bruce, Mel and Steve letters so to explain what I was doing. I waited till midnight before heading up to Mason's medical room.
He was asleep when I entered. I had to speak to him. I switched on the lamp by the chair and waited for him to wake up. He did after a few minutes and stared at me.
"Good evening ma'am." He began politely. I smiled,
"Good evening."
"You chose an interesting time for visiting." he commented. He thinks I'm hydra.
"I'm not here to hurt you."
"I thought it would be me hurting you." There's the pin to my heart.
"I wouldn't think that."
"Someone does." He tugged on his restraints. I sighed as I looked at them.
"May I ask what is the subject of this late night discussion?" He asked. I cleared my throat.
"I'm going to be away for a while. I'm not sure how long. I wanted to explain that I am not leaving you. I just have so,etching that I need to sort out. I know you don't know who I am....."
"You're right. I don't." I felt a pang to my heart.
"But if you do then I hope this talk will make it clear on why I'm leaving." I tried so hard to keep the emotion out of my voice. He slowly nodded in understanding. I stood up to go.
"May I ask you something? Before you leave."
"Ask away." I spoke barely a whisper.
"What was I to you? For you to be here must mean that we had some sort of relation." I walked over and kissed his forehead as I stroked his hair for a moment, knowing that the gesture would be strange to him.
"Our relationship meant more to me than anything in this world." I whispered to him before leaving the room.
I went back to my floor in Stark tower to collect my things. As I left my bedroom the lights came on to reveal Tony sitting on the couch.
"Jesus Tony." I told him.
"Going somewhere?" He arched an eyebrow.
"You're going after him aren't you?" I didn't respond. He sighed knowing my answer.
"What about college? You always wanted to do that course."
"I already spoke with the college. I'm getting a deferred year so I've got till September to do this." I responded as I pulled on my jacket.
"And Mason?"
"I have spoken to him. He doesn't know who I am so he won't miss me." I continued to walk.
"Don't you want him to remember?" I sighed.
"I want him to. But I need to do this." I handed him my letters.
"Make sure they get these will you?" He hesitated a moment before taking them.
"I'll say I found them." He stood up and hugged me.
"Stick to the shadows so Colson doesn't find you. Stay safe." I smiled as I pulled out.
"Don't worry. I know how to stay ahead of him." I walked into the lift and waved to him as the doors slid shut.

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